Let everything bubble up to the surface. But there are no hard and fast rules. But the truth is that embracing your emotions and allowing yourself to feel them fully is part of tapping into your divine feminine energy. The deep, tangled forests and the unwieldy mess of decay and destruction are sacred parts of Mother nature and you, too, are nature. Because whatever lurks in our shadows unconfronted will control us. Her intelligence doesnt need to be interpreted. How To RADIATE Feminine Energy *life changing*, 13+ Free Best Online Embroidery Classes & Courses! Men who repress their dark masculine will often cheat on their partners in pursuit of the dark feminine, whether with a woman in touch with her dark side or a stripper or prostitute (although the majority of those working in the sex industry are embracing a disempowering version of the dark feminine as they are there for the money rather than because they enjoy the work they do). Shadow, light, good, bad, beautiful, ugly the Dark Feminine invites every part of you to rise up and be seen. With him, you will feel safe and free of judgment to explore your own darkness. Death and decay. The Dark Feminine is not complicit. TikTok video from InfiniteByNikesa (@infinitebynikesa): "#darkfeminine #darkfeminineenergy #thisisyoursign". Dropping the center of your being into your womb, and perceiving life from there. In ancient times, the snake was not a symbol of evil or danger but symbolized female wisdom, power, and regeneration. As mentioned in my earlier article on The dark Side of Femininity, feminine energy has both a dark and a light dimension. Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. This is where death, decay, and rebirth happen every day. Femininity and feminine energy often have negative and weak connotations because of how the patriarchy has shallowly defined femininity over the years. Use this time to connect to her by creating your own ritual, journaling, meeting your shadow self, and releasing anything you do not want to bring with you into the new cycle. Let everything bubble up to the surface. Together, Nikki and Sheila discuss the importanc For now, lets talk about the Dark Feminine. Masculine sees a problem and immediately wants to fix it. Uncovering the divine feminine in all her glory and reuniting with key feminine aspects repressed over the years is fundamental to women (and men) rising and progressing as a more equal and harmonious society. Instead of descending into the dark of the Earth, dropping into her mysterious depths, and embracing the sensations of our bodies, the Abrahamic religions trained us to turn our gaze UP to the heavens. Take Responsibility By Mentally And Physically Planning Out Your Day. Perhaps the first example of a benign God or Goddess. Another symbol of the feminine divine are snakes or serpents. He takes up space without actually trying to take up space (all without man-spreading). Women are often told that they are "too emotional" or that they "need to get control" of their emotions. Feminine energy is of reflecting. And understandably, those who DO practice keep their true nature hidden. Which of these resonates with you the most? The light is generally angelic and feels love, whereas the dark is generally devilish and plays with desire. Speech perceived to be more feminine typically does not have this, but has more softness or what we call light articulatory contact. Embracing the dark feminine is embracing chaos. This kind of emotional intensity has also been shunned and shamed in women, only allowed out in particular scenes and scenarios (such as in the bedroom). "Text him 'come over' and don't . You may be surprised by what comes up. This dark feminine trait her ability to transform is maybe one of her most mysterious. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our site uses cookies. , What is the difference between light and dark femininity? Embrace Your Curves. In ancient times, women came together to bleed and honor the moon, and their menstrual blood was used in ceremonies in temples. Honouring your sensuality is crucial to unleash your dark feminine energy. Because they could not be controlled. Feminine Style Tips Every Woman Should Know - YouTube. Regeneration. The light is usually sweet and nave, whereas the dark is usually aloof and brooding. As you may know by now.. anything thats exiled from human consciousness takes refuge in the shadow. It may seem like Dark Feminine energy is opposed to many of the "light" feminine qualities you probably know about (such as gentleness, softness, receptivity, etc. , How do you tap into divine feminine energy? I've written before about masculine and feminine energies, which we all have. Feminine energy embodies flow and fluidity. , How do you know which side is feminine? This is a character contrast trope. You are the witness. . To love yourself and show yourself love, means many things. On the other hand, the dark feminine energy encompasses a more seductive, passionate, fearless, and fierce energy to them. Magic. Create space to sit in stillness for five minutes each day and let all your thoughts and emotions wash over you. 1= low Masculinity or Femininity and 7= a high Masculinity or Femininity. And she's always been here on our planet. To break up communities of women and the powerful bond of the feminine and isolate them. So be with her. Being single and choosing not to get married? The polar opposite of codependency, self-sourced power comes from within. About shedding old skins, and emerging into newer versions of your power. I find it difficult to even entertain the idea of having sex with someone I dont intimately know. During the Autumn season, your energy levels start to drop in preparation for the bleeding phase. Get really intimate with the exquisite NOW. Hestia was regarded as one of the kindest and most compassionate amongst all the Gods. You may be surprised by what comes up. Light feminine energy is all about the nurturing side of femininity associated with birth and motherhood. The birth, death, and rebirth cycle is at the center of our story as women and at the center of mother earth. Your menstrual cycle and periods, in general, are dripping in taboo because the patriarchy wanted to disconnect women from their power source. 10 Signs Youre Being Called to a Shamanic Path, Whats the meaning of the Dark Moon phase? Get to know these dark Goddesses more intimately, and call on them when you meditate or seek divine guidance. Because we are taught to bury our emotions (particularly rage), pretend were fine, and soldier on. And it's at the core of how to be feminine. Its easy to confuse the terms light and dark with good and bad, especially if youve ever seen Star Wars, but this is not the case. She owns the bold, mysterious and fearless aspects of ourselves, represented by goddesses like Persephone, Hecate, and Kali. If life feels chaotic, carving out five minutes of . The divine feminine has been shunned for centuries. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to transform their relationships and reclaim their power. Its valuing the masculine over the feminine, which is very much ingrained in our society today. That any dark feminine expression is undesirable, unwanted, and probably harmful. Its a place of alchemy and magic. There is a light side and a dark side to the feminine, and dark feminine energy is, you guessed it, the dark side. Your emotions are powerful . . Yet the kind of devotion unleashed when Dark Feminine energy is expressed is an active choice. Electric lighting can be turned on in one flick of a switch in our homes, while streetlamps bathe our towns in artificial light. We cannot experience success without failure. Lie on your bed without clothes and touch your body with your hands. When you live your life wide open in this way, you bring peace into your world, establish more authentic connections, and enjoy your full radiance. Isnt it insane that menstruating women today are banned from entering sacred temples when their blood used to be worshipped at these sites? Real, raw, messy, ravenous female sexual desire is still taboo. And these women (and men) are a big threat. This is because Light Femininity is everything society looks down upon: softness. How to tap into your divine feminine energy 1. But we can find so much strength in embracing our dark feminine energy . Its slow, long work, but cultivating internal safetythrough nervous system regulation work is a really potent way to access this dark feminine trait from within. AND the kind of fearlessness the Dark Feminine offers is what we need tonavigate the shadowlands. Along with the rise of patriarchy came the rise of logic, and with the fall of the matriarchy came the shunning of intuition, creativity, and esoteric practices such as astrology, tarot, and spellwork. (Video) The Art of Dark Femininity, How To Get What You Want Like The Goddess You are! From there, they erupt unconsciously, without direction or purpose, causing pain and upset. 7 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship With the Divine Feminine. The more Feminine the woman, the more Masculine the man she will need for protection. This can include qualities such as being emotional, irrational, and/or sexual. Women are deeply connected to nature because she is us. Dark Goddess is a mix of ethnography, cultural anthropology, an exploration of the sacred feminine, and a co-creation with each of the individuals featured. But this definition of femininityfragile, passive, gentle, overly-receptive, obedient, quiet, a sexual object of desire, submitting to the masculineis actually toxic femininity. As a powerful tool for strengthening the mind and body connection, meditation is vital when tapping into your dark feminine energy. Create space to sit in stillness for five minutes each day and let all your thoughts and emotions wash over you. 1. Natal Scorpio Moon Sign? During matriarchal society, both sides of the feminine were very much present and revered. It keeps us fragmented, and it keeps women separate from their independent, sovereign state. To embrace the Divine Feminine in her full form, you must learn about the two sides of the dual nature of femininity: Light and Dark Femininity (I will be making another blog post about Light Femininity). How do you feel about endings? Move Freely (dance like no one's watching!) Everyone has a dark side which creates the balance for the light side. Sex has been framed as either an act of procreation OR something for male pleasure only. Aquarius New Moon: Awaken From the Inside Out, The Essential Guide to Cutting your Hair by the Moon Phase + Zodiac sign. Care Instructions: Machine wash cold. Female pleasure has been actively discouraged for centuries. Its in this phase that a lot of women experience PMS and PMT. Women have been associated with the dark since the beginning of time. Women who sought sexual pleasure were (and still are in many places, and cultures) defined as whores, or deviants. This means that if you want to give off feminine energy or become more feminine, the first thing you need to understand is that it's not one-dimensional. Opening our hearts this way requires a great deal of courage, forgiveness, and vulnerability, which is challenging for us all, particularly if weve suffered previous wounds still lingering in our shadows. Pleasures related to feminine energy are massages, yoga, low-impact training, dance and free-movement. As you mention the dark feminine energy was suppressed for centuries. Bophin is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. Your email address will not be published. Not in a religious way (Im not religious), but in a spiritual sense. Let her have her say. Here are some practical tips I teach women on how you can connect to your femininity on a daily basis: Take full responsibility for your life and your dreams. Invite the Dark Feminine in, and she will dissolve toxic relationships between sisters, so we can reclaim our unified strength. Embracing your feminine side is an additional method to nurture equilibrium between your feminine and masculine energies. Eros as: The sensual, present-moment aliveness that we can all come into contact with if we learn how. you, or your pursuer, most resembles. But whois she? Here are some examples of what disempowered dark feminine energy looks like in practice: Well explore how to tap into dark feminine energy in an empowering way a little further on in this article. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. And the final way to tap into your dark feminine energy and reclaim your feminine power is to practice being open with yourself and others. The Dark Feminine is mysterious. By embracing our inner wild woman, and our rainbow of emotions, we can understand what lies beneath our pain and start to heal those wounds. To truly stand out with a black outfit, you must embody her energy. I think everyone needs to go rough a dark phase in which we connect with our feminine energy. The ''feminine energy person is the one who is pursued, receives joyously and gives back, and is cherished for their feelings. By embracing our inner wild woman, and our rainbow of emotions, we can understand what lies beneath our pain and start to heal those wounds. You will learn a lot from it. Meditation is not only a powerful tool for being more present and slowing down, but it's also a great way to awaken your feminine power and channel divine feminine energy. Hell is down there, underground, isnt it? There are SO many layers of conditioning, pain, wounding, and distortion around female sexuality. Make pleasure your priority. We live in a world of duality, which means there is always a light side and a dark side to everything. Shanta Lee writes that beginning to share the work through exhibition has helped her to sharpen her sense of the purpose of exhibitions in general. This is where we bury thoughts, emotions, desires, trauma, shame, and wounds that we dont want to face or dont even realize are present. Women, particularly practicing witches, became something to fear. Arielle Richards. Dark feminine energy can be found in the literal earth beneath our feet. Practice self-love 7. , What is the symbol for the divine feminine? It allows us to meet and illuminate all our thoughts and emotions. So, take the first step towards a more empowered, authentic and fulfilling life by purchasing this book today! You should embrace your femininity because it is at the very core of your basic nature. The mainstream STILL doesnt tend to accept magical, intuitive, or spiritual modalities of working and creating (though astrology IS being embraced more these days). Dark feminine energy also helps a woman to heal her wounded feminine by giving her the strength and courage needed to create boundaries and communicate clearly about her wants and needs. The ''feminine energy person is pursued, receives joyously and gives back, and is cherished for their feelings. How do you show up in your relationships with women, whether its family, friends, or community? Polarity essentially means opposites. Give this a try, it may feel uncomfortable but like we just talked about - you should embrace difficult challenges - it's part of being a man! Dark Feminine traits, characteristics, and qualities have been pathologized because weve been taught theres something wrong with them. If you want to learn how to embrace dark feminine energy, youve got to begin with a foundation of deep love and acceptance for yourself. But shunning and repressing the dark feminine within us and our world has disconnected us from our power and each other. In the modern world, this inner feminine woman is often left confused. Accepting yourself exactly as you are today (while striving to become the woman you aspire to be), making peace with your past and your flaws, letting go of anything that feels heavy (including toxic relationships), giving your body what it craves most, taking rest when you need it, adorning yourself in clothes colors and jewelry that make you feel most sensual and alive. Want to Read. But somewhere along the way, the dark became something to fear and avoid. Are you ready to embrace your dark feminine energy? But because She is the animating force that transmutes shadow into gold. Treat yourself to some retail therapy. Most women on this planet have NO true experience of what it is, to feel 100%, implicitly safe. THIS is a great place to start exploring the sacred blood mysteries. Awakening dark feminine energy is all about the journey to personal authenticity. I want to point out that there is an empowered way to channel your dark feminine energy, and there is also a way to do it that will disempower you. Both the anima and animus are ancient . Rape culture is ripe, and patriarchy has turned women into victims. Seeing a black and white butterfly can signify spiritual protection and a call to connect with one's higher self. It's your ultimate guide to seduction. Of doing. So step into the darkness, explore, and rewrite your definition of what it means to be a woman in this lifetime. Your sacred cycle is one of your greatest powers as a woman, so if you havent yet formed a healthy relationship with it, theres no time like now. They tried to bury us. Embrace Change. Rebirth occurs in the dark, and has a mysterious quality that cannot be touched, yet is the origin of life. The dark feminine lives in, yes, you guessed it the darkness. Have A Confident Mindset To Accomplish Your Goal. Lilith in Pisces :- Meditate and practice spirituality. She can teach you about subtle transformation. He takes healthy pride in his appearance and putting his best foot forward. It is the birth, death, and rebirth cycle happening within you every month. The Dark feminine is generally devilish and plays with desire. Embrace your wild, dark feminine to develop a new love and acceptance for yourself. There is a common misconception that the dark feminine is the shadow, but this is not true. 2023 BY REVOLOON LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Check out this article if you want to learn more about your sacred cycle: The menstrual cycle is split into four main phases, or seasons as I call them, and each phase is linked to one of natures seasons, a moon phase, and an archetype. The patriarchal paradigm has conditioned many, many people to believe dark feminine traits are actually, decidedly, unfeminine. While she is characterized by some traits we can know and recognize, there is a whole lot to this potent feminine energy that we dont know. Most of us carry deep feminine wounds, ancestral and present, rooted in the witch hunts. Menstrual blood is sacred. Moving from your head into your body - Masculine energy is cognitive thinking energy, feminine energy is body-feeling energy. For more ideas, check out this article: Powerful Acts Of Self Love To Show Yourself Today. Your feminine side gets expressed when you move with the flow of life, embrace your creative energy, dance, play and attune to your internal process. Youve probably heard of new moon and full moon rituals, but have you ever heard of a dark moon ritual? She is at one with pleasure and desire and this dark side of the feminine. Up Your Self-Care Practices. We cannot experience success without failure. To read more about the (lighter) Divine Feminine or as Shes also known, the Sacred Feminine, read this POST. Traits such as nurturance, sensitivity, sweetness, supportiveness, gentleness, warmth, passivity, cooperativeness, expressiveness, modesty, humility, empathy, affection, tenderness, and being emotional, kind, helpful, devoted, and understanding have been cited as stereotypically feminine. Whether you're at the beginning of your journey to embrace the divine feminine or have Read more. But so many people focus on the dark side to femininity and fail to acknowledge the lightness. And the final way to tap into your dark feminine energy and reclaim your feminine power is to practice being open with yourself and others. Read More. Women functioning from their feminine energy in their lighter side (not dark) are compassionate, sincere, soft, nurturing, and emotional. While subjective in its description, femininity in men refers to someone who possesses traits that would be considered more feminine than masculine; this can range from having high emotional intelligence, taking proper care of oneself, or filling roles that aren't considered to be conventionally masculine. Were taught that we exist here to support the men in our lives and produce and raise children at the cost of our desires. Here we put all of our practices together into the most delicious recipe so we learn to plate up more of our Raw Feminine Power than ever before. Sex. Popular culture LOVES to jump on a bandwagon, and have you noticed recently that everywhere you look, the Dark Goddess is being commodified? Your Dark Feminine wants you in wholeness & power and She will guide you to full sovereignty. Whether you want to feel more confident in the workplace or just want to look and act more womanly, these 12 tips will help you boost your feminine energy and become your most powerful self. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. YET sacred rage is a potent force, it holds a quality that can bring radical transformation. So this suppression is the root of SO much feminine shadow. If we want to reclaim this dark side of ourselves, we must let go of any propaganda and limiting beliefs weve inherited and be open to welcoming her back into our lives. Feel your emotions. These events leave an imprint on our psyche, which causes us to distort our view of ourselves, others, and the world. Dark Feminine Secrets: How To Become A Femme Fatale: 8 Ways To Access Your Dark Feminine Energy: The Dark Feminine Guide: Master the seduction . ), but thats not true. In the Yin and Yang symbol, we can see a dark spot in the white swirl and vice versa. This is where death, decay, and rebirth happen every day. So women have learned to reject the darkness, their moon cycle, witchcraft, and dark feminine energy. But just like the act of forgiveness, opening your heart is not for other people; its for you. One way to connect with this metamorphic quality of the Feminine, and harness it in your own life is to learn about your own cyclic nature through your menstrual cycle. So women have learned to reject the darkness, their moon cycle, witchcraft, and dark feminine energy. In myth and religion, the dark feminine is expressed by Goddesses Kali, Lilith . Wounded feminine energy is caused by unsafe, traumatic, and/or abusive experiences in our past. Jillian Guerin' This will show up in his ability to meet and express his emotions and sexual desires while remaining completely in control of them. Learning to honor your body and your yoni sets the tone for others to honor it too. If we want to reclaim this dark side of ourselves, we must let go of any propaganda and limiting beliefs weve inherited and be open to welcoming her back into our lives. Women being independent, sovereign beings? Shakti comprises mind, intellect, emotions, vital senses, conscience and all other senses. Embrace the Dark Arts - Tank Top. Shes still submitting to a masculine paradigm of control. Through love and light, staying high vibe and transcending matter. This means they wont uphold the patriarchal system and control paradigm, nor will they teach their children to. Accepting yourself for who you are and as you are, while simultaneously working to become who you aspire to become, will make you feel alive. The dark moon phase occurs in the two to three days right before theres a new moon. A man is attracted to those inner and outer qualities that distinguish woman from man. Theres also this concept that when two people have sex, they dont just physically become intertwined but energetically bound. Your cycle connects you to the earth, the seasons, the feminine archetypes, the moon, and the bridge between the worlds. Yet working with the transformative potential of dark feminine energy doesnt need to be taken this literally! Sacred rage is a true alchemical tool of the Feminine. As women, we are often taught to bury our anger, our true sexual desire, and our power because its not ladylike. Were taught that our worth and value are tied to how sexually attractive we are to men. Let your wild, dark feminine out so you expand yourself into higher states of consciousness. Hand in hand with cultivating internal safety, the dark feminine trait of fearlessnesshas to come from within. Celebrities such as Rhianna, Beyonc, and Angelina Jolie are all great examples of women who have tapped into their dark feminine energy and channeled it in their art and self-expression. Rather than always looking for something to do, i.e., shop, work extra hours, start an outdoor project, clean, date online etc., turn inward instead. Dark feminine energy represents the fiery, transformational side of femininity that fuels the death and rebirth cycles. You feel unsafe in sensuality and intimacy. Celebrities such as Rhianna, Beyonc, and Angelina Jolie are all great examples of women who have tapped into their dark feminine energy and channeled it in their art and self-expression.
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