There shall be provision for the laundering of patients clothing. (b) Controlled medications to be stored within medication storage cabinets in a residents room shall be held within a separate compartment that is locked and inside of the larger medication storage cabinet in that room. This table refers to the pressure relationships and ventilation of certain areas of a nursing home other than chronic disease hospitals. B Social Work Staff Responsibility. (b) The nursing homeshall be readily accessible tothe[rehabilitation patients]residents receiving rehabilitative services. (1) A sufficient number of food service personnel shall be employed to[carry out]performefficiently the functions of the[dietetic]food and nutritionservice and meet the dietary needs of the[patient]residents. Total number of individuals tested for HIV; Total number confirmed positive HIV tests not due to administration of a vaccine; Total number of individuals tested for CD4+ lymphocyte count; Total number of individuals with CD4+ lymphocyte count less than 200 per cubic millimeter, For those with positive HIV+ or CD4+ lymphocyte counts less than 200, the race, gender, age, county of residence, and risk behavior of the individuals, if the project collects this information. [(3)](4)Aisle space between working areas shall be at least 3 feet[;], andaisle space formain traffic shall be at least 5 feetwide. [Patients]Residentsmay not be admitted or retained if, in the judgment of the attending physician, they are: [G. Admissions Procedures for Patients With Communicable Diseases. to provide constituents, businesses, (1) The[facility]nursing homeshall assess residents for tuberculosis according to the[following guidelines: (a)]Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium[Tuberculosis]tuberculosisin Health Care[Facilities; and]Settings. 410.764.4777 | Toll Free 800.492.6836 responsive, accurate and consistent, C.Outside Service Entrance. (b)The janitors closet shall be equipped for[handwashing]hand washing. [This requirement does not extend to physical or occupational therapy assistants or to other employees performing delegated, non-nursing functions. (37)MDS Care Area Assessmentmeansthe investigation of triggered care areas, to determine if the care area or areas require interventions and care planning. (1) The nursing home shall arrange for pharmacies that provide medications for residents in the nursing home. A. C. Social History. State resources. (1) Adequate equipment for preparation, serving, and distribution of food shall be provided[;]. (2) The director of nursing shall obtain approval from the Department. ], (1) The administrator shall plan anongoing educational program[shall be planned and conducted for the development and improvement of]to develop and improve theskills of all the[facilitys]nursing homespersonnel, including training related to problems and needs of the aged, ill, and disabled. [Agency Note:]. (2) The information disclosed shall explain the additional care provided in each of the following areas: (a) The Dementia special care units written statement of its overall philosophy and mission, which reflects the needs of residents with dementia; (b) The process and criteria for placement, transfer, or discharge from the unit; (c) The process used for individualized assessment and establishing the resident-centered plan of care and its implementation, including the method by which the plan of care evolves and is responsive to changes in the individuals condition; (d) Staff training and continuing education practices; (e) The physical environment and design features appropriate to support the functioning of cognitively impaired adult residents; (f) The frequency and types of resident activities; (g) The involvement of families and family support programs; and. (1)When the director of nursing is absent, the individual shall designate an experienced, qualified registered nurse to direct the nursing service. B. The regulations provide an objective test for determining if leaves of absence are involuntary. (2) The storeroom shall be cool and well-ventilated[;]. (2) Minimum Space RequirementsNew Construction. SS-7, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA); (6) National Fire Protections Association, NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code (2015 Edition); and. (1) A new nursing home shall be constructed, equipped, and maintained to protect the health and safety ofresidents,personnel, and the public. All rights reserved. G. Boiler rooms. (a) A residents room shall have direct access to an exit in accordance with the requirements applicable to nursing homes specified in NFPA 101 Life Safety Code. There shall be a separate entrance into each room]. Mandated Reporting Requirements FAQs. A. (ii) To avoid injury to the resident, the mattress and foundation shall fit the bed. The following requirements shall bemet:]Distributions. (6) Each training program shall have behaviorally stated objectives for each unit of instruction, stating measurable performance criteria. Annotated Code of Maryland is a compilation of the statutes enacted by the Maryland Legislature, generally organized by subject (e.g., Public Utility Articles). 4. Approved employees shall read the skin test and manage the results of the skin test in accordance with Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health-Care Facilities. Second, determine if the change was made, in whole or in part, for any of the reasons set out in the regulations. 100-07 State Operations Provider Certification and in the CMS Long-term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 Users Manual: (1)TheMinimum Data Set (MDS) version as determined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, in Transmittal No. (b) Give the employee acertificate[evidencing]signed by the programs teacher or trainer asevidence ofcompletion of the program[shall be issued to the employee. National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. Mandated reporting is required when: Title 24 M.R.S. The interdisciplinary team shall incorporate resident input into the care plan. Results will be mailed to you within five days of exam date. (1) All policies and procedures for the mobile food cart shall be approved by the Department and the nursing homes local health department before implementation. A. When the resident is transferred from the nursing home for any reason or at time of death, the administrator or the administrators designee shall notify the attending physician and the: (3) Responsible party designated by the resident. Director of Discipline & Compliance. (b)The person in charge of the service to which the employee is assigned shall[have]: (i) Haveinput into the contents of the orientation program;[Policies for the orientation program shall include], (ii) Determinethe number of hours of orientation required for the various levels of[supportive]supportpersonnel;and. (58) Protective device means any device or equipment: (b) That limits, but does not eliminate the movement of the residents head, body, or limbs; and, (ii) Prevents a resident from aggravating an existing physical problem; or. Nursing homes that employ an individual on or before January 1, 2021 shall be exempt from the license requirement. (b) Connected to mechanically operated exhaust ventilation. accessible and convenient, and Maryland is a Nurse Licensure Compact (Compact) state, meaning that nurses licensed by another Compact state do not need to apply for licensure unless they plan to make Maryland their primary state of residency. (1) There shall be at least one separate room or compartment with a bathtub, shower, or other bathing device, as approved by the Department, for every 15 licensed beds. Approaches shall. (76) Two-step tuberculin skin testing means the administration of a second tuberculin skin test 1 to 3 weeks after the initial skin test is negative, to identify individuals with a past TB infection who may now have reduced skin reactivity. (a) Results of tuberculin skin tests, recorded in millimeters of induration with dates of administration, dates of reading, results of test, and the manufacturer and lot number of the purified protein derivative (PPD) solution used; (b) Results of chest x-rays required in this regulation; and. (9) Chemical restraint means the administration of any drug that is used for discipline or convenience and not required to treat medical symptoms. The 3D modeling software has a user-friendly interface that can be used to create designs or machinery parts. (61) Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (QIES) Assessment Submission and Processing (ASAP) system means the standard nationwide system to which several types of health care providers submit CMS required resident information to the National Submissions Database. (c) After being fully informed of the health risks associated with not receiving a vaccine, the employee refuses the immunization. SS-07, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA). The nursing home shall make its admission and discharge policies available for review by residents and the residents representative. the satisfactory completion of the program in each employees personnel record, (2) The course content shall adhere to the. The audible signal may not be turned off at the nursing station. [(g)](h)Storage under Non-specific Conditions. New York State Licensed Professions. (4) Ensure that the immunization is given in the form of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) vaccine, in accordance with the guidelines prescribed in Immunization of Health-Care Personnel: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Health Care Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). Laurie has 1 job listed on their profile. For example: Type in Consumer Protection and you will see eleven (11) different Titles covering this topic. If the physician so orders, patients who have a tendency to wander may be confined to their rooms by screen doors or folding gates. In all instances sufficient consultation shall be provided to fulfill all required responsibilities. (2) The course content shall adhere to the[Geriatric Nursing Assistant Program]geriatric nursing assistant training programcurriculumapproved by the Maryland Board of Nursing[in Regulation .40 of this chapter]. (2) The[facility]nursing homeshall ensure that[all]employees[who]maynotprovide services that require direct access to residents[may not provide such services]without documented evidence that the employee is free fromcommunicabletuberculosis[in a communicable form]. Baltimore, Maryland, 21215-2254. (2) The nursing home shall destroy adulterated, deteriorated, or outdated medications in the following manner: (a) Disposal shall occur in the presence of two witnesses who are authorized by the nursing home; and. In existing facilities where a physical separation is not possible, exceptions as to approved laundry facilities may be made at the discretion of the Department. (a) A resident who smokes shall be assessed for safe smoking behaviors at admission and on significant changes in condition. The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master's degree program in nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice program and post-graduate APRN certificate programs at University of Maryland School of Nursing are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. In cases where the facility has an individual providing medically related physical, social, and behavioral health needs of the residents that is not licensed but was providing the services both before and at the time of the adoption of this proposal, they are exempt from this requirement. The safety and comfort of the[patients]residentsshall be the[first]primaryconsideration. A utility sink shall be provided within reasonable distance from the food service department for its use, but it may be shared with other activities. (a)A distance of at least 3 feet shall be maintained between each bed. indicate "N/A". If the physician so orders, patients who have a tendency to wander may be confined to their rooms by screen doors or folding gates. Food Service Department. that might be grounds for action under 8-316 or Subtitle 6A of this title, the The[facility]nursing homeshall give appropriate health care information to such volunteers to provide maximum protection to residents. InfectionPrevention andControl Program. ]; and. The attending physician shall also be notified.] A utilization review plan should be developed with the advice of the professional personnel responsible for the establishment and enforcement of patient care policies. [.11-2].17[Facilitys ]Nursing HomesResponsibilities in Relation to the [Facilitys]Nursing HomesMedical Director. [(6)](5)Safeandtimely transportation and care of the[patient]residentduring transfer; [(7)](6)Security and accountability for the[patients]residentspersonal effects; [(8)](7)Prompt readmission to the[comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility]nursing homeat the end of the hospital stay[(when program fiscal controls permit)]; [(9)](8)Annual review of[execution of]transfer arrangements[(]byautilization review committee or other designated group[)]to assure that each party is fulfilling the needs of[both]the[patients and]residents,the providers[(],the hospital,and the[comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility)]nursing home; [(10)](9)If needs are not being met,[it is the responsibility of]the administrator of the[comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility to]nursing home shallact on recommendations of the reviewing group[and]to effect compliance; [C. Exception for Comprehensive Care Facility. State Operations Manual for Provider Certification, Appendix RResident Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities, Transmittal No. The mandatory reporting law, however, also is applicable to nursing homes and to any of the alternative health systems defined in 1-401 of the Health Occupations Article. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate D.Each day that the nursing[facility]homeoperates after the first conviction, without correction of the cited violation, is considered a subsequent offense and may subject the operator to further prosecution. In new construction, facilityshall provide a lobby area. (3)Policies and procedures shall be adopted and made available to all nursingservicepersonnel. The facility shall make information available to all employees concerning other conditions in which pneumococcal vaccine may be of benefit for certain other underlying medical conditions. (a) A facility shall file an application to renew its license every 2 years at least 60 days before expiration of the issued license. Staff working in laundry shall be given personal protective equipment, including: (d) All laundry shall be processed through the use of sufficiently hot water, chemical agents, or a combination of the both, to remove or destroy infectious biological materials. (4) Each month, the nursing home shall perform a drug regimen review on each residents records at the nursing home and document the findings in the residents medical record. (g) Storage for trays, tableware, flatware, and utensils. (1) A signed copy of the agreement between thenursing homeand the director of nursing, showing the license numberof the nurse, shall be filed with the Department upon: (a) Application for an initial nursing home license; and. These written procedures shall: (1) Be a part of the nursing homes Emergency and Disaster Plan, in conformance with Regulation .40 of this chapter; and. D. The Quality Assurance Committee. Standardized recipes are those recipes which have been tested by the[facility]nursing homeor another source[which assureconsistency in]and that ensureconsistentquality and quantity. Adequate storage space shall be provided forresidentspersonal possessions, including the storage of seasonal clothing. If the employee refuses to be immunized, the[facility]nursing homeshall document the refusal and the reason for the refusal. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate Inexistingfacilities service areas shall be provided forpatientcareitems which are acceptable tothe Department.]. (1) The nursing home shall providea multi-purpose room[is used]for dining, occupationaltherapy,physicaltherapy,and social activities[, there]. (15) Department means the Maryland Department of Health. (1) An applicant desiring to open a comprehensive care facility or an extended care facility[or to continue the operation of an existing facility as a comprehensive care facility or an extended care facility]shall file an application with the Secretary, on awritten or electronicform provided by the Secretary. (59) Qualified medical record practitioner means an individual who: (i) Received a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university including or supplemented by a successful completion of a course in health record administration approved by the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association; and, (ii) Passed the national registration examination for registered record administrators; or, (i) Received an associate of arts degree in health record technology from a college or university approved by the American Medical Association Council on Medical Education or an equivalent approved health record technology correspondence course of the American Medical Record Association; and. This meal represents[no less than]at least20 percent of the days total nutritional requirements. G. Current RecordsLocation and Facilities. (7) Culture Change Nursing Home. A[comprehensive or extended care facility]nursing homeshall recognize the authority of: (3) An[advanced]advancedirective that meets the requirements of Health-General Article, 5-602, Annotated Code of Maryland; [A. YouwillneedAdobe Acrobat Readeror equivalent software. Under the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), qualified nurses can apply for a multistate license, which allows for practice in other compact states without having to obtain additional licenses. [F.]J. Maryland Board of Nursing. (3) BedroomExisting Construction. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The[facility]nursing homeshall[request]requirethat all new employees receive immunization for Hepatitis B[. G. Before discharge the nursing home shall: (1) Verify that the transfer and discharge to an assisted living nursing home is licensed and appropriate to meet the needs of the resident; and. The facility shall make information available to all employees concerning other conditions in which pneumococcal vaccine may be of benefit for certain other underlying medical conditions. (3)As appropriate, respiratory care personnel are competent in the following: (j) Recognition of and attention to the psychosocial needs of residents and their families. (2) The janitors closet or service alcove. (1) A nursing home shall employ supervisory personnel and a sufficient number of support personnel to provide a minimum of 3 hours of bedside care per occupied bed per day, 7 days per week. [New Construction. A. In the case of naturopathic doctors, please consult the regulations at, Medical Cannabis Certifying Provider FAQs for PAs & Physicians. (39)Minimum Data Set (MDS) means acore set of screening, clinical, and functional status elements, including common definitions and coding categories, which: (a) Forms the foundation of a comprehensive assessment for all nursing home and swing bed residents; and. (54) Physician assistant has the meaning stated in Health Occupations Article, 15-101(o), Annotated Code of Maryland. To ensure that the (4) If a facility can demonstrate that because of the experience and training of its personnel and the physical layout and equipment, less supervisory personnel is required, the Department may modify the above requirements for supervision. Agency Note: It is recommended that the comprehensive care facility arrange for a similar transfer agreement with an extended care facility. Issue/renew license to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses meeting established requirements. OHCQ believes that requiring a licensed social worker with adequate training will increase successful care coordination. (2) In orderto prevent accidents and promote efficiency of service, the nursing home shall ensure that the following areas have sufficient artificial lighting: G.Minimally Maintained Lighting Levels. H. Director of Nursings Continuing Education. records, Medication Administration Records (MARs) and controlled substance C. Duties of the Pharmaceutical Services Committee. (3)With the Departments approval,an administrator may[, with the Departments approval,]serve on a less than full-time basis for a maximum of two nursing facilities, one of which shall have a licensed capacity of 35 beds or less. A handsink with hot and cold running water shall be convenient to the nurses station. (d) Privileges at a hospital in this state, participant in an HMO network, or credentialed by a credentialing organization approved by the Department. (69) Secretary means the Secretary of Health. [The written social history]Within 7 days after admission, thesocial workershall[be initiated within 7 days after admission. (6) Ifthe licensed capacity of a[facility]nursing homeis increased, orifmeals are provided to anyone outside of the[facility]nursing homefrom the food service area of the[facility]nursing home, the[facility]nursing homeshall provideanadditional food service area in accordance with[F(1), (3), and (4) of this regulation]this chapter. All comprehensive care facilities and extended care facilities shall have written policies and procedures, acceptable to the Department, for tuberculosis surveillance of all residents. responsive, accurate and consistent, The[facility]nursing homeshall establish,implement, andmaintain[, and implement]aneffective infectionprevention andcontrol program that: (3) Maintains a record of infections in the[facility,]nursing homeand the corrective actions that were taken related to infections; and, (a) Effectiveness of the infectionprevention andcontrol program by surveying rates of infection, especially of[those residents who have an especially high risk of]infectionrates that are significantly higher than usual; and. (b) Written plans that describe how all residents, staff, and the general public will be kept safe during the duration of the project. A utilization review plan should be developed with the advice of the professional personnel responsible for the establishment and enforcement of patient care policies. Currently, a license has not been required for an individual to operate in this role. C. Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Chickenpox. (36) Management firm means an organization, under contract with an applicant for a license or a current licensee, that is intended to have or has full responsibility and control for the day-to-day operations of the nursing home. The licensee may renew the license for an additional 2-year term, if the licensee: Pays the renewal fee; Submits to the Board: A renewal application and satisfactory evidence of compliance with . ]; [(8)](7)Laboratory and radiologic services[. This meal represents, To the extent medical orders permit, bedtime nourishments shall be offered routinely to all. (10) The orientation may not be included in the required 75 hours of the training course. (e) Notify families that the information provided may change depending on the nature or scope of the emergency or disaster. The additional cost to hire or contract with a licensed social worker is estimated to be $11,000 annually. fraud and/or abuse of State government Copyright If you are unable to find the exact regulation, contact the Division of State Documents at: To report Waste, Fraud or Abuse to the Office of Legislative Audits. Clean linen[may also be stored in]stored and transported in covered containers,closed linen carts,or rooms exclusively provided for this purpose[, if approved by the Department]. [E.]I. The State of Maryland pledges D. Reports of Findings. All rights reserved. Any practicing nurse needs to consider what the Nurse Practice Act and COMAR states when consuming alcohol, taking medications or substances that could be considered controlled dangerous substances, using illicit or any substance that affects mood, attention, alertness, judgment, decision-making etc. [(f)](g)[Sufficient]A nursing care unit shall have sufficientspace and equipment for medical records[which enables]so thatpersonnel[to]canfunction[in an effective manner]effectivelyand[to]maintaineasily accessiblerecords on all[patientsso they are easily accessible]residents. (5) Existing Facility. (3)[Thenotification shall include]Includean invitation for the family member or residents representative to attend the conference. (5) A food service floor panty shall include the following additional equipment: (b) Ice-making machine or ice-storage container; (d) Equipment to deliver completed trays; (e) Three-compartment sanitizing sink or dishwasher; (f) Cabinet for dry storage, supplies, and kitchenware; and. No. In this regulation, the term committee means the pharmaceutical services committee. Skills Agile SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager certified Pragmatic Institute Management Certified: PMC-I Product Management Director Product Manager Product Owner Business Analyst<br>Project . The training on cognitive impairment and mental illness shall be designed to meet the specific needs of the[facilitys]nursing homespopulation as determined by the staff trainer, including the following as appropriate: (3) Behavioral[intervention]interventionsincluding: A. (45) Nursing home means a comprehensive care facility or extended care facility which offers nonacute inpatient care to patients: (a) Suffering from a disease, chronic illness, condition, disability of advanced age, or terminal disease requiring maximal nursing care without continuous hospital services; and. Yes, if the hospital made any "change" in the health care providers employment, that change is reportable, irrespective of any root cause analysis. The staff shall document[progression]progressof the condition or conditions weekly until the condition or conditions have healed.
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