She was impressed by his feat and his brash and confident nature. Kisma Uttersond | Scintel takes advantage of a Republic distracted by war to grow the slave trade, allied by the Separatist Alliance. Dooku also noticed her feelings toward Skywalker and ordered her to kill him. However, Scintel told him to obey her or his friends would die. The greatest gift Abraham House can give you is peace of mind. a Quadsimia website proudly made in Upstate NY. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Physical description Titan Three | Durge | Lama Su | While attempting to convince Miraj Scintel that Ahsoka is Anakin's slave, the fiery Ahsoka hits out with this quote that cannot help but inspire a laugh, in large part due to the talents of Ashley Eckstein. Minister Rish Loo | Slavery is the natural order of things. Arvel Skeen | Protectorate Gleb | Fennec Shand [1][3], Scintel, as she appeared in the comic version of Slaves of the Republic. Anakin is broken after he agrees to become Queen Miraj's slave, and something more. Hair color C q" Toro Calican | Commander Vult Skerris | Benefactor Due to her Zygerrian nature and royal status, Scintel was extremely arrogant, believing that any person could be brought to submission with the proper methods and tools. After their investigation on Zygerria is exposed, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex and Ahsoka are forced to tread the fine line between surrender and survival. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Emperor's Royal Guard | Leaders Crimson Dawn | If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. This channel is where I post more obscure content; film clips, memes, trailers, etc! The Ninth Sister | R3-S6 | Commerce Guild | Dryden Vos Scintel told him of her plans to break and enslave the Jedi. Prince Tal Merrik | Marchion Ro | Commander Crosshair | Captain Chesille Sabrond | She treated her personal slaves with cruelty and made a point of showing them their place; such was her treatment that one even committed suicide after a failed attempt to kill her.[3]. Scintel takes advantage of a Republic distracted by war to grow the slave trade, allied by the Separatist Alliance. Darth Revan | Before she died, she told the man she loved, "I am a slave, just as you are." Isolation is a far more powerful tool, leaving mental room for the subject to carry out their own, personalized punishment. During their time together, Scintel began to drift closer to Skywalker, deducing that he was once a slave before he became a Jedi. Komari Vosa | Padme is heartbroken, but she continues to be strong for the . Founder of the Sith | Leema Kai | Miraj Scintel became Queen some time before the Clone Wars even started. Obi-wan is broken, but he needs to put up a front for his new padawan. She plotted to rebuild her Slave Empire, which was previously destroyed by the Jedi. 6 0 obj Captain Bragg | Hondo Ohnaka Star Wars: The Clone Wars (animated film) The Clone Wars: 2.01: The Hidden Enemy The Clone Wars: 2.03: Children of the Force The Clone Wars: 2.04: Hostage Crisis The Clone Wars: 2.05: Senate Spy The Clone Wars: 2.17: Cat and Mouse The Clone Wars: 2.19: Bounty Hunters The Clone Wars: 2.21: Assassin The Clone Wars: 2.22: The Zillo Beast The Clone Wars: 2.23: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back The . In Skywalker's ship, a dying Scintel revealed the location of the slaves before succumbing to her injuries. Techno Union | Members 4-LOM | Members Whispers of freedom and a life he once had haunt him as he drowns everything out. The Queen then met the Count in her court and explained her plan to enslave all Jedi, however, while Dooku found her plan ambitious, his and his masters own was to destroy every Jedi, as the Sith would rather see no Jedi in existence rather then see them as slaves. Miraj Scintel is a Character in the Star Wars universe. This is Thesecret1070. Queen of Zygerria Ultimately, this trait proved to be her undoing, when she made Anakin Skywalker her slave and imprisoned his friends despite Count Dooku ordering her to kill them and warning her of the consequences, an order the queen angrily ignored, causing the Count to kill Scintel for her defiance. 2023 The Abraham House All Rights Reserved. She also seems to be somewhat in love with Anakin Skywalker. Darth Desolous | (She will settle for a loose interpretation of voluntary.). Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. Confederacy of Independent Systems individuals, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded. Members Confederacy of Independent Systems individuals. The Client | [Source]. Tatootine Klatooinian Family | Scintel allied her world with Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems. abduction of the Togruta colonists from Kiros, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills. Magistrate Passel Argente | Work Search: Minister Maketh Tua | Miraj waited for Anakin to wake up, though at first, the Jedi started to resist by trying to choke her with Force, but she threatened him for his friends would die if he disobeyed her. General Whorm Loathsom | EV-A4-D | $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? TV-94 | Keeper Agruss | B'omarr Monks | Operatives and Other Officials TX-21 | The weak deserve nothing more than to kneel before the strong, bound to our service.Queen Miraj Scintel. Ultra Battle Droids Although she knew most others saw the Zygerrians traditions of slavery primitive, Scintel believed that slavery brought purpose to those with an innate desire to serve. Tatootine Aqualish Family | Zuckuss, Confederacy of Independent Systems His acceptance of her marriage proposal, of course. Skywalker further claimed that his disguised Padawan Ahsoka Tano was a slave he had captured from Denturri's palace as a gift for the queen. During their time together, Scintel became closer to Skywalker, deducing that he was once a slave before becoming a Jedi. Mok Shaiz | Soldiers 0 likes. [6] Scintel then heard that a human in Zygerrian armor, Lars Quell, demanded an audience with her about the demise of Bruno Denturri. Dooku holds Queen Miraj in a Force choke levitating her body off the ground. Work Search: A slave of hers then tried to assassinate her, only for Anakin to protect the Queen, as the slave committed suicide from the fear of being punished. She imprisoned countless slaves, many of which were Togruta, Ahsoka Tano's species. Ages ago, the Zygerrian Slave Empire stretched across many sectors, supplying luckless labor to unscrupulous masters in the galaxy. She had Kenobi brought before the crowd on the auction block. As part of his mission to rescue captured Togruta colonists, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker went under the name "Lars Quell" and claimed he had killed Denturri. Heavily guarded, the Zygerrian Queen had been brought immediately to an interrogation room in the depths of the military prison on the capital. Her Prime Minister, Atai Molec, then informed her of an intruder: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Miraj Scintel was a villainous character from the fourth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Nala Se | General Maximilian Veers | Exar Kun | Admiral Garrick Versio | Senator Orn Free Taa | Foreman Wat Tambor | Six months later, Obi-Wan rescues him with potentially dire consequences for him and the war effort. 1 0 obj Thurible | As the leader of Zygerria she worked to expand its slave empire. When their mission to Zygerria goes sideways, Anakin accepts the Queen's deal.It's been two years since his death.Padm is heartbroken, but she continues to be strong for the Republic. Governor Grotton | Dooku dropped the Queen and quickly disarmed Anakin from the electro-whip Miraj dropped earlier. Stormtroopers General Armitage Hux | /CreationDate (D:20210223171628+02'00') Qi'ra | Zaret | Nala Se | Droidekas | Despite this, she continued to make advances, believing he would eventually agree. MagnaGuards | Like "Vader wasn't a galaxy-conquering psychopath. Darth Krall | Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian who served as the Queen of Zygerria during the Clone Wars. Anakin dreams, and the ones he knows and love tell him that he doesn't belong with them. Zeetar, Clone Troopers She was given a gift, a slave from Denturri's palace. The Zygerrian people were organized into clans [9] and classes. | Privacy Policy | Accessibility | Site Map Yellow-green[1] 0-0-0 | Biographical information Fanry | EV-9D9 | In an attempt to reestablish Zygerria's prominence as a slave empire, Scintel made a bid to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit | TV-94B | When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, and discover the whereabouts of a vanished colony of Togruta artisans, the wily Queen takes interest in him. The Eighth Brother | I am a slave, just as you are.Miraj Scintel, to Anakin Skywalker as she dies. While working undercover on Zygerria, Skywalker was captured by Queen Miraj Scintel, and awoke from a thrashing of electro-whips to find himself alone in her chambers. She offered Skywalker the chance to serve her if she would ensure his friends' safety. Of course he doesn't, not after what he's been made to do. After her guards subdued Skywalker, she decided to keep Skywalker as her bodyguard/slave. Corporate Alliance, Galactic Empire Goron | Ziton Moj | No match for Dooku and Zygerrian guards without his weapon, Skywalker took Scintel and escaped, freeing his Padawan. She sees in Anakin a prize to own and overpower, and uses her seductive charms to her full advantage. Zygerrian[1] Despite her efforts to convince him to see the galaxy as she sees it, Skywalker rebuffed her flirty advances even when she offered to free his friend if he'll stay with her. Officials and Operatives Major General Cassio Tagge | Scintel then pulled out her electro-whip, but Dooku strangled her through the Force. They had a noble class, many members of which, despite their high status, pursued a career in the military. Though that slave was very richly dressed, it was Anakin's padawan Ahsoka Tano in disguise. TA-175 | She just knows he's still out there even if the Jedi won't believe her.And Anakin, well he doesn't quite know who he is supposed to be anymore. Anakin has his first training session as Queen Miraj Scintel's slave. Vice Admiral Rampart Colonel Erich S. Datoo | Sith Eternal | Fleet Admiral Kendal Ozzel | Rook Kast | Allegiant General Enric Pryde | Miraj Scintel was the Queen of Zygerria in two episodes of The Clone Wars. Pong Krell | tags . Cornelius Evazan | /Height 155 Relationships: Anakin Skywalker (slave, love interest), Atai Molec(prime minister), Count Dooku (master, murderer), Affiliation:Zygerrian Slave Empire, Confederacy of Independent Systems. Aurra Sing | Grand Vizier Mas Amedda | Homeworld Azmorigan | General Grievous | Mos Espa Street Gang | Fleeing the palace and boarding the ship he arrived in, the Tecora, Skywalker and his freed Padawan Tano prepared to take off in search of Kenobi and the Togruta colonists. She was the Queen of the planet Zygerria, whose people once ruled a prosperous slave empire before the formation of the Galactic Republic. The Third Sister | Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian who served as the Queen of Zygerria during the Clone Wars. She was extremely proud of her people's ways and relished her status as queen. << Tactical Droids | Admiral Frantis Griss | Hutts | Miraj's vision went black and and got it back but it was blurry. Director Orson Callan Krennic | Pyke Syndicate | Lo-Taren | Deva Lompop | Aut-O | Officials and Military Officers /Filter /DCTDecode She was going to pay to what she had done to her people. When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, . Bib Fortuna Commander Fox | Upon Dooku's arrival, Scintel confiscated Skywalker's lightsaber and dismissed him from her court. Leaders Enraged, Miraj drew her shock whip from her belt and attempted to attack Dooku and Molec but was quickly incapacitated by the Count's force choke, which eventually led to her death shortly after that. Ponda Baba | Being the Queen of the slave-holder race Zygerrians and a pawn of Count Dooku, despite not counting herself as one. Seeking to rebuild the Zygerrian Slave Empire that was shut down by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, Scintel allied Zygerria with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Series. Presidente Shu Mai | /Subtype /Image Leaders Klinith Da | Miraj Scintel becomes Queen some time before the Clone Wars even started. BB-9E | Darth Phobos | * CombatPragmatist: As an aggressive fighter, Anakin has no qualms resorting to fighting dirty like throwing cheap shots or using the Force. She also captured Rex, and Obi-Wan, taking a liking to Anakin and using him as her bodyguard, with Anakin holding a blatant hatred of slavery. Lieutanent Supervisor Dedra Meero | Red[1] Queen Miraj Scintel, or simply known as Miraj Scintel, is the main antagonist of the Zygerrian arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Captain Moden Canady | DJ | Viceroy Gar Saxon She imprisoned countless slaves, many of which were Togruta, Ahsoka Tano's species. InterGalactic Banking Clan | Contents 1 Biography Dooku dropped the Queen and quickly disarmed Anakin from his electro-whip Miraj dropped earlier. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr Let us help you meet your financial needs. 5) A female Zygerrian, Miraj Scintel took the throne of Zygerria . Star Wars The Force Awakens Summary and Synopsis, Star Wars Poll: Who Wins a Sith Lord Battle Royale, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. . With Tano unconscious and the Jedi subdued, Scintel ordered Skywalker to be taken back to her chambers in the palace and the others separated and imprisoned as slaves. Atai Molec | She managed to even enslave Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker after capturing the Jedi, who had previously infiltrated the Zygerrians. Colonel Wullf Yularen | tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. tides equities los angeles does dawn dish soap kill ticks does dawn dish soap kill ticks 8D8 | Powers / Skills Greedo | Soldiers During their time together, Scintel fell in love with Skywalker even more, deducing that he was once a slave before becoming a Jedi. Contact Us, Submit your request for proposal online or by mail. Black Krrsantan | In an attempt to reestablish Zygerria's prominence as a slave empire, Scintel made a bid to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Sie starb 20 VSY, als sie sich Dooku gegenber weigerte, den gefangenen Obi-Wan Kenobi zu tten. Miraj scintel and anakin skywalker fanfiction When their mission to Siegeria goes sideways, Anakin agrees to the deal of the queen. He manages to sputter out a question, to which Miraj rolls her eyes. While the Jedi resisted at first, using the Force to telekinetically strangle her, Scintel persuaded him by threatening to have his friends executed should she die. You were right, Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker, a Zygerrian helmet covering his face, saw someone who looked likely to be in charge and walked over with a swagger in his step. However, her feelings toward Skywalker didn't go unnoticed as her Prime Minister Atai Molec called Count Dooku, fearing that Scintel had been weakened by Jedi. "Do you have an invitation?" "Well, no," Anakin started. Commander Gideon Hask | Star Wars: The Clone Wars Miraj Scintel was voiced by Rajia Baroudi in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Origin Miraj Scintel was the queen of Zygerria and the Zygerrian Slave Empire during the Clone Wars. Tears were falling down her face. She then had Skywalker as her bodyguard, even returning his lightsaber. She lets go of his friends, but she will fake his death only to make sure that his friends do not go looking for him. Accompanying Miraj to the auction house, Skywalker witnessed the brutality of Scintel's empire when Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose cover was blown earlier in the slave pits, was ordered to be beaten on the bidding floor. Despite being Zygerrian, she was able to realize the folly of slavery when betrayed by Dooku and Atai Molec and acknowledged this to Anakin. He viciously chokes Dooku with his cybernetic arm in their duel on Naboo and cuts his hands of in their final duel before decapitating him. Using slaves.Flirting with Anakin.Tending to her pets. Grand Vizier Sate Pestage | Chelli Lona Aphra | As she explained how being a slaver was, a slave of hers then tried to assasinate her, only for Anakin to protect the Queen, as the slave committed suicide from the fear of being punished. She was voiced by Rajia Baroudi.[1][3]. General Lok Durd | "Dark Underlord" | /SMask /None>> Officials and Operatives Months after the Rako Hardeen incident, the Council sends two of their best generals together on a mission meant to repair their damaged friendship. Miraj Scintel/Anakin Skywalker Ahsoka Tano/Atai Molec Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker Miraj Scintel Ahsoka Tano Atai Molec Additional Tags: Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars) Chains Cages Blood Blood and Injury Sexual Coercion Forced Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi Hurt Anakin Skywalker Hurt Ahsoka Tano Obi-Wan Kenobi Whump 7 - My Spidey-Sense Is Tingling (Helplessness), After nearly getting the life choked out of her by Anakin Skywalker, Queen Miraj Scintel wants to put her newly appointed servant in his place first before demanding his voluntary submission. Darth Maul | } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br The queen of Zygerria in the clone wars had major hots for Anakin. Scintel received Dooku in her throne room and detailed her plot to enslave the Jedi as she did Kenobi and Skywalker, crushing the Order and then the Republic. Kassav Milliko | TF-1726 | Tano ordered Scintel to stand down, but Scintel used the shock collar to subdue her. Grecker | Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). One of her orders was for commander Darts D'nar to enslave the inhabitants of Kiros - colony of Togruta, to sell at the auction. Miraj got on all fours and Anakin slammed his entire cock into her pussy. Though that slave was very richly dressed, it was Anakin's padawan Ahsoka Tano in disguise. Commander Brom Titus | Trask Imperial Captain | OOM-9 | Guavian Death Gang | LT-319 | With Tano unconscious and the Jedi subdued, the Queen ordered Skywalker to be taken back to her chambers in the palace and the others separated and imprisoned as slaves on Kadavo. Miraj Scintel is an antagonist in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Hi. Anakin sits cross-legged on the prison floor, waiting for the slaver queen Miraj Scintel to enter. Anakin Skywalker Ahsoka Tano Miraj Scintel Obi-Wan is there for a hot sec Sexual Slavery Unprotected Sex First Time Praise Kink Disassociation Voyeurism if you don't fuck in front of this lady your race might be doomed to slavery The Queen rolls her eyes. Durge | 3 0 obj /Type /ExtGState Merrin | General Kraken | Darth Vader Members Affiliates 1 2 . However, her feelings for Skywalker didn't go unnoticed as her Prime MinisterAtai Moleccalled Count Dooku, fearing that Scintel had been weakened by Jedi. When she finally does, he groans inwardly, knowing full well what to expect. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! Whip-usingScheming Soldiers /Type /XObject Taron Malicos | Viceroy Nute Gunray | Daimyo Boba Fett | Miraj Scintel was a Zygerrian Queen during the Clone Wars. Drengir | Snoke | Affiliates [2] Morley | Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (12), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Post-Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), Post-Rako Hardeen Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), original characters for nefarious purposes only, this fic mostly centers on Obi-Wan and Anakin & other characters tagged are just peripheral, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Canon Divergence - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), Threats of Rape/Non-Con to Underage Character, From My Point of View Attachments Aren't Evil. Darth Momin | Accompanying Miraj to the auction house, Skywalker witnessed the brutality of Scintel's empire when Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose cover was blown earlier in the slave pits, was ordered to be beaten on the bidding floor.
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