Your emotionally cool sign finds it a relief to plant into a relationship instead of playing all those aggravating head games of the courtship phase. Before we get started, remember that attractiveness is a highly subjective metric. The person who can hold a fascinating conversation and inspire you to think outside the box could be the one who lures you into a permanent domestic partnership. Metaphorically, the New Venus day might be a moment when all our old stories and hang-ups about love could finally disappear. Just try not to write people off SO quickly that they dont have a fair shake. Most Popular. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. If Sun and Venus are at the same degree, youll have to check the minutes, which are the little numbers to the right of the degree symbol. Anyway, what a person wants in love, he/she always shows. She should broaden his horizons (Venus in 9th house) and be passionate (trine Pluto). When Venus is in Leo, your attitude towards love is something out of a fairy tale. He likes all things dark and substantial. on your way home from work, so you can burn off the stress of the day before coming home to bae. But, this only means that they are receptive and NOT that these traits are exclusive toor more prominent in women. Because of this need, Libra puts a lot of energy into their relationship which results in them becoming more attractive to others. I dont like many Aquarius placements, such as the Sun. Under this liberated Venus influence you chafe at the idea of anyone "owning" you. But this can actually be detrimental to intimacy. It may have simple lines, such as Ikea. I think their style in women is just not my thing and how they love and express it. If you were born with Venus in fantasy-fueled Pisces, you see the poetry in basically everything. In this article, well be diving into the top five signs that produce the most overall attractive people. Take great care not to rush into anything too serious until you give the relationship some time. I gained 5lbs of ice cream weight sulking it out with one of them one time so I love my Taurus Venus girls, indefinitely but I get very mad/disappointed when they go all "doormat" and some of them just do!~) --- seriously - rant over~ holla' if you know someone like these ladies ^ ><; --- ty for letting me get that off my chest~ lol <3, omg thats me venus in Taurusdont know whe to let go, Posts: 68772From: Pluto/house next to NickiGRegistered: Sep 2010, ------------------Passion, Lust, Desire. Rules were meant to be broken and are too restrictive. And what kind of woman is he looking for? With a jealous streak, you may feel quite possessive of your lover. At times, you may strike others as austere, reservedeven cold! My Dads wardrobe is completely chosen by her tiny, always perfectly manicured hands. But I end up with the Scorpios. They may be slow-moving, but they move with incredible self-confidence. For one-on-one astrological guidance, check out my $25 Q&A service. If you were born with Venus in sensible Capricorn, you play the long game in love. But thats only because youre deeply private with your emotionsand you need to know that people are dependable and wise before youll share your vulnerability. If his house is clean and well-arranged, he does not need a messy person. And while they don't spend time on typical beauty routines, they shine from within. With flirtatious energy, you draw people in and sometimes grow bored rather quickly. Note that the rankings on this list are based partially on raw physical attractiveness (prettiness) as well as raw beauty, which transcends physical appearance. This sign is governed by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, "so they have a helping hand from the Goddess of The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. Libra is a Venus-ruled sign, and just as to be expected from its planetary rulership, most people bearing this zodiac sign possess elegance and sophistication. Yes, they can come off as a bit needy for relational harmony, which isnt their most attractive trait. and witness all that youve built together? When Venus makes her shift from a morning star to an evening star, you could experience a romantic rebirth and sexual reawakening. I find it respectable that he made it in business and in life, although he could have rested on his fathers laurels. Shortly after her rebirth, well see Venus again, rising as a morning star in the Eastern sky, shortly before the Sun. We love words and we are flirts. Even a confident Scorpio can be too overbearing for most people. And Though Their Beauty On The Inside May Not Match The Outside, They're Still Very Aries in feminine placements are too hyper for me. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle, Vogue, and Good Morning America. He does not want a clinging vine: someone who makes her whole life about him. Ive got the Cap stellium, EXHAUSING Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, North Node. Nope, youll be off with an adventurous playmate exploring new positions and locations. Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Relationships are serious business, and you play for keeps. WebWestern Venus in earth/water signs are completely unloyal Venus Taurus/Scorpio males, by far least attractive.(IME!!!!!) The only pitfall of this gift is that you can be SO focused on creating harmony that you sweep important issues under the rug. - Astrology Theres something unshakeably solid about Taurus. The well-deserved 1st place and the title of the most attractive zodiac sign goes to Libra ruled by This elegant and sophisticated Venus-ruled sign is revered for bestowing model Ah, Libra. If you were born with Venus in curious, communicative Gemini, youre a pro-level flirt who needs tons of variety to stay interested. And the unifying feature of nearly all the people I've dated is a Cancer Mars (all except for one.) Our team of editors strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest. Since trust does not come easily when you have Venus in Scorpio, you might choose a partner who is an open book and knows how to create a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to bare your soul. What you cannot tolerate, however, is feeling restricted or possessed. to picking out the perfect warm-weather retirement community for your sunset years. Digital connections are still plenty strong for youand because of this, a long-distance relationship could actually work out just fine. Every time we are together I feel like Im in an old French romantic movie. Youd rather be skiing the Black Diamond together or creating a family of overachieving kids that you can brag about at family dinners. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. The females are the most aggressive of the female Venus signs. The way to lose him is to cling. Venus in Piscesis very poetic and romantic This Hollywood powerhouse has has been acting for 50 years. Taurus is a fixed sign, and one of the most loyal in the zodiac. He/She is attracted to people who have a warm heart. VENUS influences the abundance of love and material wealth you attract. By the way, why do you call a Cap stellium exhausting? He is attracted to depth. It depends on the rest of my chart. a friend to him: gives him space & is up to adventure. Posts: 6755 From: Registered: May 2012: posted November 28, 2012 05:06 PM Aquarius is certainly an attractive sign! Wife = the couple has moved in. Your tastes says a lot, anyway you have a fun/entertainment blog. How she hates anything scruffy! If youre in a relationship, it might be wise to stop by the gym (and use the sauna!) As such, you may have to sift through a few more twists and turns than most before you figure out Cupids formula for success. Jealousy can be a troubling issue in your relationships. So you want to know what the most attractive Zodiac signs are? All that beauty sleep pays off because it leads to inner peace, which translates to a tempting exterior.if('moc.enilnoefiltseb'!==location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('')){document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){var payload='v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=5a127ff8-966a-4cba-aebc-6e9df8395547&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=4445117473306249616'.replace('domain',location.hostname);if(navigator.sendBeacon){navigator.sendBeacon('',payload);}else{var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();'POST','',true);xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','text/plain;charset=UTF-8');xhr.send(payload);}});}ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. Venus in Aries. This 40-day backspin marks the period when Venus begins her shift from anevening starbright and visible in the sky near sundownto amorning star, rising just before the Sun. Since Pisces is symbolized by two Fish swimming in opposite directions, attractions may run hot and cold. Some Venus-in-Capricorn people might actually swoon at the notion of co-creating a business. If youre not intimidated by raw power and burning passion, Scorpio hits the spot. Theyre stubborn and sometimes ruthless in their focus, but they remain humble and grounded. Each one is very different. Youre looking for a partner who wants to build something stable and fruitful togetherand that doesnt come along every day. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Inbaal Honigman, celebrity psychic and astrologer, explains that Virgos look their best because they take such good care of themselves. Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius Guys are Fun, Charismatic and Flirty. Everything changes for the better once you see the dating game as a learning process instead of something youre supposed to nail on the first try. Did you know about Venus symbolizing a lover (qualities, which turn the man on), and the Moon stands for a wife (qualities, which he would love to see in his spouse)? Venus in Cap - probably sh*t like all things Cap, apparently too mature, too serious. WebIn Greek mythology, Venus is Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love. Although you run cooler, you must be careful not to minimize your partners feelings. (Example: Venus 28 Scorpio, Sun 21 Scorpio.). If there is one Venus who would marry for prestige( and money), it is this one. Libras are chic, elegant, and always look put together. Your libido has a mind of its ownespecially in a darkened bar, hot tub (or any body of water), or when youre far from home and can maintain more of an anonymous profile. They give great hugs and love to make people feel nourished and well-taken care of. Settling down aint easy for younot necessarily because youre a player but simply because you can find something fascinating to adore (and explore) in just about everyone you meet. The Most Physically Attractive Zodiac Signs Are Known For Being Beautiful. is sensitive, artistic, kind & somewhat elusive (Venus in Pisces) This man, for instance, easily (sextile) meets charming (Venus) and soft-hearted (Pisces) partners. And why cant Trump be a role model? Open-minded, eccentric & highly intelligent (Moon in Aquarius) In clothes, he may like black everything. Nesting with your S.O. I used to somewhat go out with this Aries Venus guy, I do see some things in common both of them like skinny women (the one with Aries Venus was obsessed) When you find someone who meets your standards, youre a generous and sensual lover who intuitively understands the kinesthetic realm of touch and movement. In the evening, she is Hesperus which means Western since she appeared near the Sun at dusk. This content includes information from experts in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy. Libra That's Venus in Astrology. But waitwho IS that person with whom youre so smitten? This may not be immediately evident but the heart is what is in play for this Venus. His personal taste in clothes is tailored and well made. We may not feel clear-headed or able to make rational decisions about romance on a New Venus day. Ruled by Venus, you adore beautiful things and culture, and seek perfect balance and harmony in all areas of life. While invisible, magnetic Venus holds a secret session with the, This planetary playdate also marks the beginning of, To determine your Venus position, first locate the Sun in your natal chart (. Learning to "diplomatically disagree" and even differentiate from your partner is what will keep things hot in the couple bubble for years to come. Love Venus in Taurus, Sag, Leo and Libra. . You take your time to warm up to people and reveal your emotions slowly and deliberately even when the attraction is burning inside you. His wife should become more of a friend to him (Moon in Aquarius) and give him a lot of physical and intellectual freedom (Aquarius, again). You may purposely scout out partners who are "different" and enjoy leaving jaws on the ground with your no-limits brand of loving. This is partly due to the Sun being weak in Libra. He loves a partner with a good sense of humor. When you feel hurt or rejected, you may come across as withholding and even downright coldand the loss of a relationship can devastate you more than most. The AstroTwins have collaborated with Nordstrom, Kate Spade and Urban Outfitters, among other major brands. This sign is represented by the bull and is known for being reliable, practical, and down-to-earth. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. You have to understand the meaning of the 12 signs. According to Astrolger these are the Top 5 Most Honigman promises "all those good habits add up eventually," allowing Virgos to be "the youngest looking" seniors out there. Their hobby can become a second career. Her morning star cycle gives us nine juicy months of creative, visionary energy. keelolo1 Team Owner Joined Feb 4, 2015 Messages 10,935 Reactions Their fixation on being the brightest and most dominant makes them very attached to being right, at all times. If any Venus would be attracted to a Goth, it would be this one. Posts: 6446From: LURKINGRegistered: May 2011. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. This planetary playdate also marks the beginning of a brand-new, 584-day Venus cycle. Behind their tenderness is a deep loyalty to those they love. So all the most gorgeous traits for Venus are found in the Pisces zodiac sign. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 I do charts for the people who want them. Your email address will not be published. They not only make you feel like dynamite in bed, but also inject equal intensity into all aspects of your shared lives. This Venus does not like coarse humor or off color jokes. With Venus in this placing, your true nature leans toward liberal ideals. You have to be well groomed, too. When Venus is in Gemini, you possess a natural ability to lighten moods with your friendly nature. And so he told me I was too clingy (??? Your mate must be vocal in their appreciation of how gorgeous and special you areand, during the courtship phase, quick to reach for the check after a lavish dinner (to which they arrived with an armful of roses, a handwritten card, or some other token of affection). Known for their strong, arched brows which are often set low at the centre of the face and arch Venus in He holds himself to the same standard, if that is any help. They have authored four print books: AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology, and have a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides. Here's what your Venus sign means in astrology - New York Post Venus in Aries would like a RED sports carthe brighter the better. When a prospective lover shows interest, you might demure or throw up a tough outer shell. Hell hath no fury like a Venus in Scorpio who has been cheated on! In the middle of this transition, Venus vanishes from the skywell, at least from our view here on Earth. The warmth of your affection allows you to see the best in people, especially when they may not see it themselves. Hen heres to find a different career ! They have a highly attractive blend of motherly nurturance and sex appeal. Venus regulates the world of love and desire, lust, artistic expression, and the pleasures of life. All Rights Reserved. With Venus in nurturing Cancer, youre equal parts caretaker and coquette. bright and visible in the sky near sundown. Your ideal mate would slay a thousand dragons and cross treacherous oceans for the opportunity to have your hand. Most Attractive Zodiac Sign (2022): The Seal of Venus 1. He may utter obscenities, depending on the rest of the chart, but you should not. Being fussed over is so NOT your thing (unless bae is bringing you chicken soup when you have the flu). You take a long time to get over heartbreak and may ruminate and obsess for a long time, even if you never speak to your ex again. When Venus is in Virgo, your affection may involve a bit of criticism. Ever wondered why certain people seem to sparkle more than others? Peepl, what about the aspects to his Venus? The former child star has tried out a lot of different careers. Jealousy should exit the couple, as possessiveness would not please him in his married life (Moon square Pluto; Moon in Aquarius, the Descendant in Aquarius, as far as I understand). Venus-in-Leo people need to be worshipped and adored. Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Strongest? This Venus would, likely, have to be attracted to you at first sight. His home is probably brightly decorated. The right partner for you understands that you have a deep need for freedom, which might simply mean giving each other space to explore independent hobbies and intellectual curiosities. The partners he chooses must be the same. Although you might not admit it out loud, youre a sucker for status. Cancers love to love and typically make great partners that intuitively know what they and their partners need to thrive together. A killer sense of humor is more likely to win you over than dashing good looks. This Venus is in its Home. At first I though he was playing me, I mean, who would actually do all those things? Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Best Kisser in the Zodiac? 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Really! The man Im currently dating has Venus in Pisces (conjunct my Moon). As for his type of woman, to me, his whole natal chart should be studied, not just Venus and Moon placements. Venus teaches us about the tastes of anyone to Some Venus-in Sagittarius-people might be comfortable in a polyamorous arrangement or a relationship that is open under certain circumstancese.g., hooking up while traveling solo or kissing other people but not removing clothes.
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