Cochran says the format of the isotopic data does not appear unusual. Page numbers in this section refer to those papers. With the exception of some ectothermic species such as the ancestors of the modern leatherback sea turtle and crocodiles, no tetrapods weighing more than 25kg (55lb) survived. The same day, Ahlberg tweeted that he and During submitted a complaint of potential research misconduct against DePalma and Phillip Manning, one of the papers co-authors, to the University of Manchester. "The thing we can do is determine the likelihood that it died the day the meteor struck. This means that the skeletons located there are older than the asteroid that hit the earth, suggesting that some other event, like widespread volcanic eruptions or even climate change, did the dinosaurs in even before the asteroid appeared. Miami Dade does not have an operational mass spectrometer, suggesting McKinney would have had to perform the isotope analyses underlying the paper at another facility. Published May 11, 2022 6:09PM (EDT) ", "Tanis exhibits a depositional scenario that was unusual in being highly conducive to exceptional (largely three dimensional) preservation of many articulated carcasses (Konservat-Lagersttte). After trying to discuss the matter with editors at Scientific Reports for nearly a year, During recently decided to make her suspicions public. The bottom line is that this case will just involve bluster and smoke-blowing until the authors produce a primary record of their lab work, adds John Eiler, a geochemist and isotope analysis expert at the California Institute of Technology. Please make a tax-deductible gift today. Bob was born in Newark, NJ on December 26, 1948 to the late James and Rose DePalma. Instead, the layers had never fully solidified, the fossils at the site were fragile, and everything appeared to have been laid down in a single large flood. An aspiring novelist, he attended The Ohio State University studying English and This further evidences the violent nature of the event. DePalma may also flout some norms of paleontology, according to The New Yorker, by retaining rights to control his specimens even after they have been incorporated into university and museum collections. We're seeing mass die-offs of animals and biomes that are being put through very stressful situations worldwide. The deathbed created within an hour of the impact has been excavated at an unprecedented fossil site in North Dakota. They did a few years of digging, uncovering beautiful, fragile sh . As detailed by Science, the isotopic data in DePalmas paper was collected by archaeologist Curtis McKinney, who died in 2017. Today, the layer of debris, ash and soot resulting from the asteroid strike is preserved in the Earth's sediment. Some scientists were not happy with this proposal. The CretaceousPaleogene ("K-Pg" or "K-T") extinction event around 66 million years ago wiped out all non-avian dinosaurs and many other species. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. When DePalmas paper was published just over 3 months later, During says she soon noticed irregularities in the figures, and she was concerned the authors had not published their raw data. [5] The microtektites were present and concentrated in the gills of about 50% of the fossilized fish, in amber, and buried in the small pits in the mud which they had made when they contemporaneously impacted. Robert DePalma, fdd 12 oktober 1981, r en amerikansk paleontolog och kurator . Underneath a freshwater paddlefish skeleton, a mosasaur tooth appeared. He later wrote a piece for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. During, whose paper was accepted by Nature shortly afterward and published in February, suspects that DePalma, eager to claim credit for the finding, wanted to scoop herand made up the data to stake his claim. [18], In 2004, DePalma was studying a small site in the well-known Hell Creek Formation, containing numerous layers of thin sediment, creating a geological record of great detail. . Its not clear where McKinney conducted these analyses, and raw data was not included in the published paper. In June 2021, paleontologist Melanie During submitted a . They seem to have left the raw data out of the manuscript deliberately, he says. Proposed by Luis and Walter Alvarez, it is now widely accepted that the extinction was caused by a huge asteroid or bolide that impacted Earth in the shallow seas of the Gulf of Mexico, leaving behind the Chicxulub crater. Fossils from dinosaurs and other animals from thousands of years before the asteroid impact are very hard to come by, leading some to believe . "His line between commercial and academic work is not as clean as it is for other people," says one geologist who asked not to be named. FAU's Robert DePalma, senior author and an adjunct professor in the Department of Geosciences, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and a doctoral student at the . Sir David Attenborough presents this landmark documentary which brings to life, in unprecedented detail, the lost world of the very last days of the dinosaurs. In December 2021, a team of paleontologists published data . Eiler agrees. When the dino-killing asteroid struck Earth, shock waves would have caused a massive water surge in the shallows, researchers say, depositing sedimentary layers that entombed plants and animals killed in the event. But no one has found direct evidence of its lethal effects. December 10, 2021 Source: . Some of the gripes occurred because DePalma first shared his story with a mainstream publication, The New Yorker, instead of a more academic-based journal, said Bored Therapy. Such a conclusion might provide the best evidence yet that at least some dinosaurs were alive to witness the asteroid impact. [5] The original discoverers of the site (Rob Sula and Steve Nicklas), who worked the site for several years, recognized its scientific importance and offered it to DePalma as he had some previous experience with working on fish sites. After his team learned about Durings plan to submit a paper, DePalma says, one of his colleagues strongly advised During that the paper must at minimum acknowledge the teams earlier work and include DePalmas name as a co-author. The paleontologist believed that this new information further supported the theory that an asteroid killed the dinosaursalong with 75 percent of the animals and plants on Earth 66 million year ago. During the long process of discussing these options they decided to submit their paper, he says. Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. Her former collaborator Robert DePalma, whom she had listed as second author on the study, published a paper of his own in Scientific Reports reaching essentially the same conclusion, based on an entirely separate data set. It is not even clear whether the massive waves were able to traverse the entire Interior Seaway. He reportedly helps fund his fieldwork by selling replicas of his finds to private collectors. Get more great content like this delivered right to you! In the BBC documentary, Robert DePalma, a relative of film director Brian De Palma, can be seen sporting an Indiana Jones-style fedora and tan shirt. Could NASA's Electric Airplane Make Aviation More Sustainable? Despite more than 200 years of study, paleontologists have named only several hundred species. Several independent scientists consulted about the case by Science agreed the Scientific Reports paper contains suspicious irregularities, and most were surprised that the paperwhich they note contains typos, unresolved proofreaders notes, and several basic notation errorswas published in the first place. DePalma has not made public the raw, machine-produced data underlying his analyses. When I saw [microtektites in their own impact craters], I knew this wasnt just any flood deposit. But During, a Ph.D. candidate at Uppsala University (UU), received a shock of her own in December 2021, while her paper was still under review. We werent just near the KT boundary. The Hell Creek Formation was at this time very low-lying or partly submerged land at the northern end of the seaway, and the Chicxulub impact occurred in the shallow seas at the southern end, approximately 3,050km (1,900mi) from the site. The raw data are missing, he says, because the scientist who ran the analyses died years prior to the papers publication, and DePalma has been unable to recover them from his deceased collaborators laboratory. Episode #52: Your Mother Was a Vetulicolian and Your Father Smelt of Elderberries with Henry Gee . [1]:p.8 The site formed part of a bend in an ancient river on the westward shore of the seaway,[1]:p.8192[4]:pp.5,6,23 and was flooded with great force by these waves, which carried sea, land, freshwater animals and plants, and other debris several miles inland. Now, Robert DePalma, a paleontologist at the Palm Beach Museum of Natural History and a graduate student at the University of Kansas, claims to have unveiled an unprecedented time capsule of this . A version of this story appeared in Science, Vol 378, Issue 6625. But just one dinosaur bone is discussed in the PNAS studyand it is mentioned in a supplement document rather than in the paper itself. In the comment, During, her co-author Dennis Voeten, and her supervisor Per Ahlberg highlight anomalies in the other teams isotope analysis, a dearth of primary data, insufficiently described methods, and the fact that DePalmas team didnt specify the lab where the analyses were performed. In a 6 January letter to the journal editor handling his manuscript, which he forwarded to Science, DePalma acknowledged that the line graphs in his paper were plotted by hand instead of with graphing software, as is the norm in the field. Robert DePalma published a study in December 2021 that said the dinosaurs went extinct in the springtime - but a former colleague has alleged that it's based on fake data. Some scientists say this destroyed the dinosaurs; others believe they thrived during the period. Robert DePalmashown here giving a talk at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center in Aprilpublished a paper in December 2021 showing the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs struck Earth in the spring. Her mentor there, paleontologist Jan Smit, introduced her to DePalma, at the time a graduate student at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. Artist's rendering of a large asteroid hitting Earth. Last month, During published a comment on PubPeer alleging that the data in DePalmas paper may be fabricated. Robert DePalma made headlines again in 2021 with the discovery of a leg from a Thescelosaurus dinosaur at Tanis, reported The Washington Post. During described the findings in her 2018 masters thesis, a copy of which she shared with DePalma in February 2019. The Byte reports that the amber was found 2,000 miles away from the asteroid crater off the coast of Mexico believed to be . "Those few meters of rock record the wrath of the Chicxulub impact and the devastation it caused." DePalma, now a Ph.D. student at the University of Manchester, vehemently denies any wrongdoing. By 2013, he was still studying the site, which he named "Tanis" after the ancient Egyptian city of the same name,[5] and had told only three close colleagues about it. They had breathed in early debris that fell into water, in the seconds or minutes before death. DePalma took over excavation rights on it several years ago from commercial fossil prospectors who discovered the site in 2008. (Formula and details)The 2011 Thoku earthquake and tsunami was estimated at magnitude 9.1, so the energy released by the Chicxulub earthquakes, estimated at up to magnitude 11.5, may have been up to 101.5 x (11.59.1) = 3981 times larger. In fact, there are probably dinosaur types that still remain unidentified, reported Smithsonian Magazine.
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