Disputes over whether or not the duty statement is consistent with the class specifications shall be resolved through the grievance procedure. Every DSH facility is entitled to have a Health and Safety Lottery (Lottery) to address issues with implementation and application for a permanent exemption to theCalifornia The 220 day Academic Calendar Year includes two hundred ten (210) instructional days and ten (10) professional staff development days. To this end, permanent full-time employees may apply for an Employee Opportunity Transfer to a position at another location within the employee's department, in accordance with the following procedure: Whenever a department head or designee elects to fill a vacancy through an Employee Opportunity Transfer, a permanent employee who already has an Employee Opportunity Transfer application to that location on file with the department shall be selected. employees provide signature acknowledgement of receipt. Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be . negotiators that detailed the substance of the work they do and Preservation of Eligible Post Ratios: When management alters or modifies the shift and/or RDO of a post that was awarded through the annual post and bid process prior to the end of the twelve (12) month appointment, management shall implement an interim annual post and bid process. This The employee will then be assigned an assignment at management's discretion. However, section 19.1.3, paragraph F, Work Week Group Policy for FLSA - Exempt/Excluded Employees specifically describes the provisions of the Work Week Group designations for BU 3 specified above. A PI employee will be eligible for a PH each July 1st thereafter and may accrue only one PH per fiscal year. May be allowed, with approval of appointing power, absences with pay for one or more whole days due to excessive work load or other special circumstances not defined in the employee's duty statement. Upon request of an employee who has been on duty continuously for fifteen (15) or more hours, the employer shall have the option to: Allow the employee to take the next shift off on vacation, CTO, or Holiday credit as staffing permits. the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to meet and discuss over Eligible surplus employees shall be permitted to apply and compete for vacant positions of the employee's current class or other classes to which the employee can transfer, pursuant to the SROA process. November. The improved retirement quarter age/benefit factors apply for service rendered on and after the effective date of the 1999-2001 Memorandum of Understanding between the State and the Union. In addition, if a Special School proposes to change the number of in-service training days from the prior academic year, the special school shall notify the teachers and obtain input. Bargaining Unit 17 RNs shall not provide dietary services other than meal serving, patient feeding, and food tray pick-up unless an emergency condition exists, or as otherwise provided in the CTC policies and procedures. Fund) from implementing a serious violation of our contract by The purpose of the classification review is to determine if the current class specification adequately describes all facets of the work. California. For the purpose of salary advancement CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 employees may also receive both professional growth and salary advancement as long as there has been prior approval for such an action from a CDCR, OCE designee as follows: In lieu credit may be granted for engaging in projects and/or workshops approved by a CDCR, OCE designee regarding the improvement of instruction and curriculum at the rate of ten (10) hours equal to one (1) credit. agreement with, overwhelmingly comprised of men, are paid a The Union may request from the CDCR, Adult an exemption from the existing class size to the superintendent or designee. Employees in classes assigned to WWG 2 shall be compensated for ordered overtime of at least fifteen (15) minutes at any one time. management to address all health and safety concerns for our Office Technician, Motor Vehicle Representative, Program Technician: Contract: BU 4 Contract: Bargaining Unit 5; Bargaining Unit Name: Highway Patrol: Representing . the best teleworking environment. Strategic Planning Team (SPT) will meet again in March to review carrying out and supporting the administrative work of state As RN assignments become available, the assignments shall first be reviewed by the State to determine whether the assignments will be filled, posted for bid, or filled without posting. The only remedy that shall be available (whether claiming out-of-class work or position misallocation) is retroactive pay for out-of-class work. Miscellaneous and industrial members in the First Tier retirement or the ARP not subject to social security shall contribute nine percent (9%) of monthly compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317) for retirement. negative impact. The parties agree that voluntary movement between shifts is always desirable, and to the extent practicable, the filling of vacancies shall be preceded by an announcement, posted for ten (10) working days, opening the available shift for voluntary movement, before filling the position as a "new hire". checks, the Employment Development Department (EDD) implemented If no Toll Collector with a valid Post and Bid Request accepts the position or if there is no valid Post and Bid Request on file, the employer may then fill the vacancy by any other available means. The parties recognize that it may be necessary for the State to make changes in areas within the scope of negotiations. Formal written telework or telecommuting policies and programs already adopted by departments before the date of this Contract will remain in effect during the term of this Contract. Correctional Center, and Pelican Bay State P. On November 2nd and 3rd, the union was back in arbitration the Return to Office Plan. On the same holidays in two (2) consecutive years. It is the common goal of management and the Union that students attending State classes be assigned to appropriate classes. The vacant assignments that have been determined by the State to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. Range increases are attained by completing additional education or training credits as described on the salary schedule. The Director of CalHR or designee shall respond to the grievance in writing within sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of the appealed grievance. These assignments shall be counted neutral; that is, the assignments shall not be counted in either Management's or Union's positions. include: On September 15, 2020, our Union met with the Department of Motor Accordingly, the parties agree that employees shall not practice, nor shall an employee be required to practice, in any manner which places the employee's license/certification in jeopardy. Through the establishment of a volunteer overtime seniority system, departments will endeavor to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime by distributing overtime fairly among volunteers as permitted by operational needs, security, health, safety, and emergencies. When an employee is formally interviewed, the department head or designee will notify the employee of the non-selection. Notwithstanding Government Code sections 905.2, 19818.8, and 19818.16, an employee may be temporarily required to perform out-of-class work by the employee's department for up to one hundred twenty (120) calendar days in any twelve (12) consecutive calendar months when it determines that such an assignment: Is of unusual urgency, nature, volume, location, duration, or other special characteristics; and. In arbitrations involving adverse actions, the arbitrator shall determine if just cause exists and, if not, the appropriate remedy. transparent method. employees in the Disability Determination Service Division (DDSD) Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) regarding the implementation It is recognized that final class size determinations shall be within the authority and discretion of management. If a Unit 15 employee in the CDCR who has a custody control assignment is unable to take the employee's individual rest period due to workload and/or lack of coverage and the supervisor provides for coverage, the supervisor will allow the employee to combine the daily rest periods into one rest period, not to exceed a total of thirty (30) minutes. The CDCR has established a 4/10/40 work schedule for Institutions that have eligible BU 3 employees assigned to the schedule. This paragraph also applies to passengers in carpools, vans or other vehicles, traveling on state business. Upon request of the Union, the parties shall meet at the local level to resolve any concerns regarding the overtime seniority system for Unit 15 employees at the specific facility, institution, or hospital. Acceptable Level of Performance: Unless expressly waived by management in conjunction with a particular position and employee, employees must have satisfactorily performed the duties of the employee's position during the twelve (12) month period before bids are due. Each shall appoint their own co-chair. the California State Teachers Retirement Fund (CalSTRS) to meet Employees shall be given a minimum of twelve (12) hours off between scheduled shifts, unless it becomes necessary for them to return earlier because of unforeseen operational need or emergency. of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to gain additional information about The EDD shall post vacancies on the EDDNet, consistent with current practice, for ten (10) calendar days. this topic. Where notices are mailed, the thirty (30) calendar day time period will begin to run on the date of the mailing of the notice. Once the investigation has been conducted and if the charges have not been substantiated, the employee shall be returned to the employee's bid assignment. The State shall provide advance notice of such cancellation, whenever possible. This includes any necessary travel time. We became aware of this new process because some of our This was our third meeting on The appointing power may place an employee on a leave of absence with or without pay for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days in circumstances described above. The EDD shall provide SEIU Local 1000 with a copy of the EDDNet posting at the same time the posting is distributed. day. The Union and the County tentatively agreed on four proposals: disciplinary investigations, paycheck deductions, county offered medical plans, and remote response compensation.
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