Ability to hold feature stories and run them when space is available or on specific dates or times of year, Audio (sound clips or telephone interviews), Prerecorded segments lack the break-in option for providing emergency information, Exaggerated nature of local television news. B. report to the Finance/Admin Section Chief when arriving at an incident. Who is likely to be affected by the hazard or threat? (Unit 2), Describe the types of written products used in public information activities. Create clear and easily understood messages. Many wikis are open to alteration by the general public without requiring them to register user accounts. Responsibilities of the Components of the ICS Organization. Coming back after the fire to retrieve them, their ghostly shadows left indelible evidence of the inferno that swept through their home. This lesson introduced you to the steps to create a preparedness campaign: These steps will help you develop a campaign that will inform the whole community about the importance of being ready and preparedness steps to take. Avoid acronyms. Public information is a vital function in disaster operations that contributes greatly to saving lives and protecting property. Emergency Management Institute Simplify complex ideas by using short sentences. Keep the subject and verb close together. hbbd```b``"_H|LI&x9"$ ;Dr?*&Fvql2r S3 Well, were here to answer that question for you, and hopefully share a few tips about preparing forrealemergencies too! FEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.gov NIMS Basic Guidance for Public Information Officers 2 II. When preparing written products, it is important that your message is understood. Mayor Holden: We have what they call Mayor Mouse, and Mayor Mouse basically is operated to go to various schools. * The social media links provided are for reference only. Over 150 PIOs working a major disaster, often from different locationsall to ensure clear and accurate information is being delivered amid the confusion of a disaster response. Depending on where the media area is, the media representatives will need to be able to connect with their microwave towers or uplink with a satellite. Sound bite B. Announce events of interest to your community or share information about an incident. They focus on specific issues or programs to move the public to take action. A social networking site is a great tool for: Now you know about the many tools available to get your message out. Avoid getting involved in these media disputes. C. is presented as a bad example of public information management. The steps to organize and conduct a news conference or briefing are: Note: You may want to identify several knowledgeable people to assist and provide information at the news conference or briefing. Describe the role of the Public Information Officer (PIO) in an emergency. Note: Often micro-blogs will provide links to Web sites or social networking sites for more information. For different audiences, you may need to write different products. %%EOF Use natural gestures, but dont cross your arms, raise your eyebrows, shrug your shoulders, sway, or bounce. The Mayors Office developed an outreach campaign known as Red Stick Ready. Continue to monitor the weather., Example 3:4 Shelters remain open: MassMutual Ctr, 1277 Main St. Springfield; Quarry Hill Comm. Establishing relationships with news media representatives by being accessible and prepared. Leaves the decision as to who will be in the pool to the media. Operates with the understanding that any video, audio, or interviews acquired will be shared with the rest of the media. Guidance on COVID protections for EMI students, and the CDC Coronavirus page for the latest updates on the pandemic response. The word zombie comes from Haitian and New Orleans voodoo origins. A good overview of ICS is provided in the independent study . Campaign topics can range from recruiting volunteers to fire safety. Tornadoes or wildfires in neighboring States may increase your communitys interest in preparedness. In your communication strategy, identify how you will use social media by itself and together with traditional media to prepare your community for emergencies, and to provide them with life-saving information when an incident occurs. As exemplified in the Pew Research study, people are getting information from sources other than traditional media. Studies show that people read differently online than when they read printed materials, therefore, when you write for the Web or social media you should: A. When an emergency happens, ICS is implemented. (Unit 5). I know our superb team of firefighters will do all they can, but the conditions on the railroad are particularly difficult, Smith said. The Public Information Officer Awareness Course (IS0029) is designed to familiarize participants with the concepts underlying the PIO role. Demonstrate that you are in the knowB. Joanne H. Moreau: So Mayor Mouse, our mayor, along with the real mayor actually goes to that event and interacts with the people that are present. Select it carefully and choose your background wisely. This lesson introduced you to different tools you can use to communicate your message as a PIO, including: In the next lesson you will learn how to prepare quality written products for these tools and how to speak effectively with the media and to the public. This lesson presents information on how to effectively communicate with the whole community regarding the importance of being prepared for an incident. PIOs must possess good oral communication skills because they will need to present critical information and prepare other people to speak: More information on speaking and preparing speakers is presented in Lesson 3. Social Media: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. Check off the things you would plan to include in your Go Kit and add other items as you see fit. Provide public information, emergency public information, and community education to your internal and external target audiences. Joanne H. Moreau: We are able to work with all agencies and give a real solid unified message. How to Remember Better: A Study Tip for Your Next Major Exam, (13 Tips From Repeaters) How to Pass the LET the First Time, [5 Proven Tactics & Bonus] How to pass the Neuro-Psychiatric Exam, 5 Research-Based Techniques to Pass Your Next Major Exam, 2023 Civil Service Exam (CSE) Reviewer: A Resource Page, [Free PDF] 2023 LET Reviewer: The Ultimate Resource Page, [52 Test Answers] FEMA IS-251A: IPAWS for Alerting Administrators, [26 Test Answers] FEMA IS-284A: Using the Substantial Damage Estimator 3.0 Tool, [32 Test Answers] FEMA IS-1120: Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs), [23 Test Answers] FEMA IS-101C: Preparing for Federal Disaster Operations: FEMA. Select this link to access a printable . %%EOF Describe evolving media tools, including social media, for communication. Their three-bedroom condo was almost immediately choked in smoke and he could hear screams from below as roaring flames billowed from the balcony outside his front door. Communicate information to enable people to prepare for an incident and to make decisions during an incident to protect lives and property. An important part of your role as a PIO is to communicate with your community before something happens. Once you have identified your goal, write it down! Gathering feedback and heading off problems, Explaining your mission, policies, and goals. Score .9906. Consider information about the whole community when identifying topics, including: There is no point in conducting a hurricane preparedness campaign if your area is not subject to hurricanes. Better yet is the number of people who call and request preparedness kits! The role of a PIO can be executed by one person or as a team, depending on the emergency and what resources are available. Now that you have some tips for better writing, lets look at how to write a news release. This lesson presents information on how to effectively communicate with the media and the whole community. T;)D2Dt `NY"`~XH@P ` (Passive). Harvard psychiatrist Steven Scholzman wrote a (fictional) medical paper on the zombies presented inNight of the Living Deadand refers to the condition asAtaxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndromecaused by an infectious agent. The highest-ranking State official C. His/her regular boss D. The Operations Section Chief, 13. Below are some tips for writing in a clear, concise, and organized manner: Although active voice is preferred and is more interesting, passive voice may be appropriate when the doer is unknown or you want to focus on the receiver of the action. Different types of Web sites can be used to get information to your community: Email is another way that you can get information to members of your community and organization. .. Now lets take a look at how one mayor, Mayor Kip Holden, ensures his community, the city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in East Baton Rouge Parish, is prepared. Conduct research to determine which tool is best to meet your agencys needs. They knew that they werent being led down another road, that they were hearing things unfiltered. This course has presented you with tools that PIOs can use to communicate, the steps to develop a campaign to prepare your community, and ways to effectively provide critical information during an emergency. The training courses listed below include those delivered at the state, local, tribal, and territorial level as well as higher-level training managed by EMIs subject matter expert training teams. Doug Miser. In 2008, the average per-person hospital treatment cost for heat related illnesses in Arizona was about $7,500, leading to a whopping $11M in treatment costs. When a newsworthy incident occurs, the media will be there, whether youve invited them or not! FEMA does not endorse any non-government Web sites, companies or applications. Promote government programs and activities B. Use jargon to communicate with your target audience B. On the couples dresser were two heat-seared imprints where Martinez had left his wallet and cell phone as he frantically scrambled to ensure his familys leap to safety. Smith activated the State Emergency Operations Center, which coordinates State firefighting efforts in these situations. Evolving media (Web sites, email, blogs, social networking sites, etc.). A public awareness campaign is a vehicle you can use to get your message out about being prepared. In an incident, theIncident Commandermanages the entire incident and: TheCommand Staffprovides information, safety, and liaison services: TheGeneral Staffperforms functional activities: As part of the ICS structure, the PIO is part of the Command Staff and advises the Incident Commander on all public information matters relating to the management of the incident. Radio is a form of broadcast technology that has the following needs, advantages, and limitations. 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727 For highly technical information, it might be best to prepare a credible subject-matter expert to present. AZ Department of Health Services Directors Blog. A defining characteristic of wiki technology is the ease with which pages can be created and updated. During an incident, the media wants: At an incident scene, after you have conferred with the Incident Commander to assess the situation, you can begin to manage the situation by making contact with the media. The course culminates with a practical exercise designed to plan, develop, integrate, and disseminate public information for an emergency, incident, or disaster as part of a Joint Information Center. This feature can facilitate abuse of the system. They heighten awareness of community hazards and encourage the public to take steps to become more prepared. 3. *F ;/7Bw1p i~$^y' _r] The goal of this awareness course is to provide an orientation to the public information function and the role of the Public Information Officer (PIO) in the public safety/emergency management environment. For each of these toolstelevision, newspaper, radio, news briefings, and evolving mediayou need written products. The 8-Step Communication Model includes:A. Assess the current situation B. The heat on the desert floor isnt just a nuisance, its expensive & lethal. We wanted questions answered, we wanted stories to be able to do, and we had one place to go to and that was great. A micro-blog is a type of blog where the message is shorter. An important part of the PIOs relationship with the media is knowing what they want. (Unit 4), Given a scenario, apply the 8-Step Model to a public awareness campaign. Determines what the public needs to know. D. has become ever more complex as the challenge of delivering messages has evolved. Access to you and the newsmakers or persons in charge. Develops a strategy or plan for handling the incident, monitors it in process, and adjusts the plan as needed. News briefings or conferences and interviews are times when you will need to know how to (or prepare a speaker to) present information and respond to questions. D. Identify opportunities for public awareness campaigns. Admissions Fax: (301) 447-1658, Independent Study Program Final Exam for: IS-29.a: Public Information Officer. 140-character stand-alone micro-blog statements. Describe how to have a successful relationship with the news media. The subject is the. Angie Welling: Reporters understand change really well because our days are always changing, but just have that plan in place, know basically what you want to do, whos going to staff it, what will be available, what hours you will be available for the media. Organizing the information in a news release so that the important information comes first is called: A. AP style B. Inverted pyramid C. JIC style D. Journalistic style, 7. !]U9[MZ\waQ>yICK{",|.NH&ec* 'C/M;WrQJ6bs\ 886} The benefits of social media include the following capabilities: New social media tools are being developed and implemented all the time. Avoid fillers (um, er, uh); dont be afraid to pause while formulating an answer. The following table shows what you need to provide for a television story, the advantages of television, and its limitations. The media will want to get as close as possible to get pictures/audio/interviews. The Public Information Officer Awareness Course (IS0029) is designed to familiarize participants with the concepts underlying the PIO role. It includes features and characteristics that are not available in a traditional news release, such as: In addition to having good written communication skills, a successful PIO also needs to be able to speak effectively. The successful PIO develops credibility and builds relationships with the media by consistently: More information on media relation skills and managing the media is presented in Lessons 3 and 5. 1955 0 obj <>stream If there is a reason that the media cannot be allowed access to the scene, consider using a media pool to restrict access while allowing them to get the images and interviews they desire. Also, it may be necessary to explain to them the danger, and how if they fail to heed the warnings and become injured, they may endanger others who would have to then go in to rescue them (e.g., passing into the plume of a Hazmat area, traveling over an unsafe structure that may collapse, or moving into the line of fire of an armed suspect). The Public Information Officer gathers, verifies, coordinates, and disseminates accurate, accessible, and timely information on the incidents cause, size, and current situation; resources committed; and other matters of general interest for both internal and external audiences. NIMS Description of the PIOs Responsibilities. This training focuses on both parts of the equation. They have access to the officials. Public Information and Warning . Learn and respect your media contacts deadlines. 0 This is a release that you post online. When something happens, the PIO needs the media to get information to the public but also needs to manage the scene and guide the story. How knowledgeable is the audience on this topic? 524 0 obj <>stream Even the best writer can make mistakes, particularly when under pressure or in a time crunch. (Incorrect), John enjoys boating, swimming, and fishing. Influence an audience to modify behavior C. Sell government or nonprofit products and programs D. Enhance social media, 11. The Student Self Service Portal allows you to print or download Independent Study (IS) Completion Certificates, Student IS Transcripts (for personal or employer use) and Official IS Transcripts (for educational institutions only). The activities a PIO chooses in non-emergency times (95%) has a significant impact on how successful he or she will be in the 5% spent in emergency response and recovery. Tell the media representatives: Follow-through goes a long way to establishing good relations with the news media. A well-executed interview will likely not A. advance leaderships goals. Derrick Jensen: The feedback we received from them, from the local media that we work with on a regular basis and have a pretty good relationship from them . Its community preparedness. At the completion of this course you should be able to: The remainder of this lesson presents information on your role as a Public Information Officer (PIO). PIOs shouldA. compile a go kit to allow for lengthy deployments to a long-term incident. Resource Typing Definition for Response . You have many resources available to ensure that the information reported about an event and your organization is true and accurate. It may be a good idea to record how many news releases you sent out, but the amount of media coverage you receive (e.g., column inches, mentions on news programs, and number of radio interviews) is more indicative of success.
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