Eddie Murphy Raw is a 1987 American stand-up comedy film starring Eddie Murphy and directed by Robert Townsend. It was Murphy’s second feature stand-up comedy film, following Eddie Murphy Delirious. However, unlike Delirious, Raw received a wide theatrical release. The 90-minute show was filmed in Manhattan New York City‘s Felt Forum, a venue in the Madison Square Garden complex. As of November 2018, Raw is still the #1 stand-up film of all time at the box office, making $50.5 million worldwide before inflation. After inflation, the film grossed $110.5 million in 2017 dollars. The film was released in the United States on December 18, 1987.
The film opens with a pre-taped sketch depicting a scene from Murphy’s childhood. At a family Thanksgiving in November 1968, the children take turns showing their talents to the assembled relatives (including one played by Murphy himself). Young Eddie (Deon Richmond) shocks the family with a rude joke about a monkey and a lion.