Your blackness is being oppressive, so stop it! Look at what you’ve caused:
Arizona tea parties accuse PBO of being divisive and turning the times back to pre-Civil Rights…so to protest this, they chant Bye Bye Black Sheep, call him a 47% Negro and yell “Impeach the half-white muslim!”
Ebony Magazine went and put some black people on their cover. It has upset some right wingers because…racism..and also by being named “Ebony”.
when a magazine called “ebony” sides w the more black guy contrary to facts and law, what other explanation? @debbie_birchett @EBONYMag
— Aaron Worthing (@AaronWorthing) August 7, 2013
Oh and Mo Kelly continues to pummel GOPFakeChick like so:
Which means the right wing nutty trolls are desperately trying to protect her by calling, you guessed it, all of black twitter “da racist ones”.
And in the great state of Georgia, in favorability ratings, Paula Deen polled 14 points higher than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr…..because….well its Georgia.
Whew! and damn its just Wednesday!
Well imma dedicate this to the oppressed, depressed and repressed white folks that are bound in their mental chains by us Blacks. Here’s to ya!