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Wow, so many bruises. "Can Bun Bun come as well," Lincoln asked. Lynn's comes home from school angry that she lost in her baseball game which she takes here anger out on Lincoln however after here argument with Lincoln. That was horrible! Guest 2 - Old anger coming back after being lied to. Godzilla Lori: Thanks Mothra Leni, I appreciate that. Zach: >to Lincoln< Aw dang it, I was looking forward to playing against you as N. Tropy, and just so you know, I've beaten all of the time trials and boy it wasn't easy. (The family cheered as they are all excited for Pizza, it then cuts to the dinner table where all of the Louds gathered round and have Pizza for dinner). 2. Lincoln: Wellthere's a game that I want to make, and it was supposed to have my idea of an Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. (The Librarian showed them to the scanner, they fired up the laptop, and connected it to the scanner, but in no time at all, all of the breath effects are in the file on the flash driver, they then exited the Library and left for home, back at The Loud House, they continued to put together Hedorah, Gigan and MechaGodzilla, and at last, all of the characters are pasted together). Don't cut off my ponytail! I figured I might as well check it out finally. Both were fun, solid shows. Lincoln: > to Ms. Merdich< Thank you Ms. Merdich. - Lynn commented. Lincoln: You were nice to me before, Why do you want to be back to being a meaner sister to me again? - Poor burned boy. - Lana approached - Doesn't matter what you watch. Mr. Bolhofner: No, that is not how you do this to students, you can't just give them an assignment that gives them a waste of their time by making some sort of computer advanced activity, you were supposed to be sctrict to everyone and give them work assignments, no fundimentals before learning. (Lincoln then fills in action, adventure and fantasy violence as his game is both fantasy and fighting at the same time, due to his interest in science fiction, he knows exactly how he is going to work on his game so he will be the second Loud member to get an A+, then a next assignment pops up from the projector). You can't allow yourselves for revange before reason! Lincoln: Lori, what are you doing picking me up from school today? (His friends started gulping as they are intimidated by her, Lincoln had seen the incident and turned to the audience). I also wanted to use Lana somehow. "Kind of, why did he retired Lori," Lincoln asked. - Lincoln laments - They always have more fun, when I'm not around. - Lana said - Lola is very similar to Zuko's sister. Lincoln: >to Lynn, annoyed< Ow, Lynn, What was that for?!?! Mr. Grouse: >stops Lincoln and Clyde< Hold on there boys, what's this about Godzilla I see? Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< I'm so proud of you son! (The Viruses began to laugh at Lincoln and begin to torture him by zapping him multiple times, they continued to harass him until they turned him into a virus). - Why do you this after all? - Morphine?! (Most of the class except Chandler raised their hand). Ms. Merdich: Look mate, no offesne but you are compltley intimidating to your students, it's no wonder everyone hates you. Rita: Well sometimes you have to accept what you have, and sometimes bad things happen and there is nothing you can do about. Time for a new installment of "Forgotten Cartoons"! What's your beef with him? Ms. Merdich: Now class, I will return your math tests that you all did last week, most of you did well, but for others, you need to improve your grades. Lori: It can be, it's not alwats easy, but you'll get the hang of it >to audience< People who do this for a living literally deserve more credit and respect. 393 (1857), was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court that held the U.S. Constitution did not extend American citizenship to people of black African descent, and thus they could not enjoy the rights and privileges the Constitution conferred upon American citizens. (Later it cuts to Ms. Merdich giving the final grades to the students of Mr. Bolhofner's class). Luan: Yeah, none of us did better then her, so it was "Game Over" for us >giggles< get it? Back on earth, at the beach, after the events of "No Such Luck", Lincoln snuck away from his family to get a drink, but he passed out from heatstroke and dehydration before he can cool off and quench his thirst thanks to the squirrel costume he wore. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Employee: >on speaker phone< Okay, One Monster Burper and one cheese burger, hold the Mayo, the Mustard and the Pickles. Lincoln: >to audience< Some things never change, but I don't want to get on Lynn's bad side like Chandler did. - Luna observed -You're lucky to have less bruises than Lynn. (Lori and Lincoln got started on working on animating the characters, he knew he had to click on a body part and take some snips and add them to the animation slash control file, he had Godzilla walking forward and backward while blocking, roaring, fighting, kicking and swiping with his tail, he even added his breath animation, he tested the characters and he was successful). Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Lincoln: I guess you do have a point, I have been working on those since Lori left and-- >checks the clock on his laptop, it was 9:42 pm< Oh my gosh Luna, I need to hit the hay, goodnight Luna! Luna: >to Lincoln< Yeah dude, you did a great job with your game,. 3-4. Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Due Friday, five percent of copyright. Chapter 1. - Don't come any closer, monster! Lynn dashed towards Lincoln but he stopped her by his left foot and pushed her to make her fall on floor. That caused Lincoln fell on ground. Lola: Thank you, >hug him< you are the best brother ever. (As Lincoln got on the bus, he sat next to Clyde). Ms. Merdich: >to Rob Paulson< Thank you Mr. Paulson >to Chandler< I've already warned you yesterday, now, you are on the discipline list, and like I said, if you get three strikes, you will be sent to the principal's office, >to class< and that goes for the rest of you. Ms. Merdich: Now the only game that I was impressed with the most isLincoln Loud for his game "Godzilla: King of the monsters" >to Lincoln<, well done Lincoln, that's an "A+" for you. Lincoln a 12-year-old boy who was not really good at love and he puts it aside to continue with his activities, what he did not know is that there were some girls who we. - I won't attack you again, bro. We all pitched in this together. (Luna left a tear in her eye as she was proud of him). I have enough of this. Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Well done Lincoln, well done. Afterward, she was sent to live with family members in Retro City, during her five years in the city, she learned how to control her. Lincoln: Mr. Bolhofner, you can't do that! I am sporty and strong enough to defend myself when you merely train your hands on game pad. - That was just a stupid joke! Please! "Cute hearts by the way.". Nolan and my character will also be part of this. Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! Lincoln: Have you been snooping on me while I was watching some Godzilla movies? I wrote the story because Lynn bullying Lincoln in the show is painful for me to watch. Lincoln: Are you referring to the 1956 American adaptation or the one from 2019 film? - Please, let me explain. Lincoln: >to Lola< What's your nightmare about? Liam: Gosh darn it, I'm only down to five more tries to get to N. Tropy, this guy is tough to beat in a time trial. Lynn Sr.: But hey, with that new substitute, at least you'll have a better time here right? Sorry it took so long. How much do you hurt me? Lincoln: I got to do some backgrounds for levels, sounds for the characters, and I got to add music. - Lola complained. (It later cuts to Lincoln as he has brought his laptop over to Mr. Grouse's, he taught Lincoln how to program his game, Lincoln types in the address to the programming site and added it to the file, Mr. Grouse even teaches Lincoln about programming the main menu and options and he also learned about how to test the games codes for gameplay, the more he worked on, the better he's gotten, it took him all afternoon to get the programming correct, and after all the experience he's gotten from Mr. Grouse teaching him, his game is now completed, but first, he and Clyde decided to test the game to make sure it runs good, once they got his game tested, it was working properly, Lincoln and Clyde high fived each other, it then cuts to sundown with Lynn Sr. holding a tray of Lasagna). - Lana commented after the episode ended. (It starts with Lincoln in The Loud House as he is getting ready for school as if he isn't ready to go to school while he puts on his clothes). Lincoln Loud: Thanks. Lincoln: You are not going to believe it, but I think I have an awesome substitute teacher! Lori: Let's see if our food is in the bag! - Lynn tried to stand up still crying - I do this so you could learn how to defend yourself from bullies. Lincoln Loud is is lying on the stone ground in the underworld. Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< So son, how is your project getting along? - Lincoln and Lana said in unison proudly - We will have our revange! - Lola, Lana and Lincoln commented simultanously, - Finally! Rita: Wow, Lori must have gotten you all worked up huh? Mr. Coconuts: If you ask me, I thought the game was loads of fun. Lincoln: I know exactly what game I want, I want to do a fighting game, and I got a title for that "Godzilla: King of the Monsters". Lincoln: Yeah, a Godzilla fighting game, that's a great idea Luna, Why didn't I think of it before in the first place? Lincoln: Yes, and apparently, I need to get the programming on my game ready and going, but I could use your help again, what do you say? That stair was rubbed with a colourless and odorless salve. (Lincoln hugged Lola back and they both went to sleep, the next day, the class were waiting patiently for Ms. Merdich to arrive, but she came in about five minutes later). (His friends snicker until Rob Paulson flew down and opens his crest while shrieking in Chandler's face). Lincoln Loud getting adopted into another family along with his new siblings who all have to fight off strange and magical creatures to protect royal woods while trying to maintain there normal life. Leni: I think I need to get some sleep after all that Pizza! Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Chandler, you finished already? Only ones who accomplish anything will be accidental witnesses, they'll accomplish your mutual lose as an amusement. Rusty: Can we hang out after school over at Gus'? (Lincoln then continued to work on more animations on MechaGodzilla, Gigan, Hedorah and Angurius, it only took him about thirty minutes to finish up MechaGodzilla's animation, then another thirty minutes to work on Gigan, he tested both of them and worked perfectly, he wanted to work on Anguirus' and Hedorah's animation next, but at exactly thirty minutes after five, Vanzilla pulled up and the entire family came home, when Rita opened the door, all of the sisters even their father were in a big surprise to see their eldest sister). Lynn: Godzilla? Lincoln: She is super nice, and she will write your name on the discipline list if you act up, and guess what? Ms. Merdich: Alright class, now it's time we talk about your homework assignment, for your homework assignment, I would like for you to animate your character, animations are not easy, it can be stressing but you'll get the hang of it, you just need to draw parts of the body of your character, paste them together on a character you designed while you can move your character in any action, whether it's walking, running, blocking, ducking, punching, kicking, swimming and other actions, you can animate as many characters as you want, but remember, the animations are worth fifty percent of your grade, you have at least seven days to make them, oh, and don't forget to color your character, that's worth twenty five percent of your grade, that will give you seven days to animate your character, and then we can move on to backgrounds, now remember, draw some parts of the body, paste them all together and then animate the action of your character, I'm counting on you. Lincoln and Lana went outside and walked towards the city centre. Me and my dad worked so hard on it. Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? You are my substitute? Lincoln: Thanks Ms. Merdich, see you tomorrow! Please! Lynn: Yo Linc, why do you look down in the dumps? "Lori why do you seem so tense and nervous," Lincoln asked. >to class< Let's try something even harder, If I add ten Bananas and fourteen grapes, then I've eaten at least three bananas, then I multiply about nine more bananas, what is the total answer? Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Is there a problem young bloke? From there, Lincoln spent the rest of his day with a big smile plastered on his face. - Lincoln corrected Lana - He reminds me of myself. - I never intended to cut off your ponytail, I just wanted to make you fear. - Lincoln replied, showing Lynn a tube of salve he used - You've bullied me for years and in last week you started to do it every day. Clyde: Unless if Lori comes back to help you again. Stella: I'll say, but we did had a good time being part of a Middle School news group. After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. Lincoln: Thanks for the advice Stella, I can't wait. Mr. Grouse: >to Lincoln< Yep, they offered me a job as a substitute teacher every Monday thru Friday when I'm not at the office, isn't that great? (Lincoln then takes all of the papers and gives them to Ms. Merdich, he then returns to his desk and sits down peacefully). Mothra Leni: Thought you could use some help! - Lincoln stopped looking at Lynn with anger and released her ponytail - Have you ever wondered how I feel because of this? Lincoln took a scissors from a table and grabbed Lynn's ponytail much to her fear. - Lynn commented - I perfectly know what I'm talking about. Ms. Merdich: Okay then, let's review your math assignments, >pulls out math book< if I divide about twelve oranges out of two, what would i have now? Lori: >to Lincoln< Not so fast Lincoln, I'll have to cut you a half, so you can have one half of your burger for lunch and your other half for lunch. My fifth fanfiction, Feedback is appreciated. Lincoln: Oh yeah, I guess it doesn't hurt to try something new for a change. Bolhofner MechaGodzilla: >to grils< >beep boop bop bop< You girls are in after school detention, prepare to suffer consequences >whirrrrrr click<, (Bolhofner MechaGodzilla fires three finger missles from the right hand, but the monster girls were able to dodge them, so Luna Rodan helped attack Bolhofner MechaGodzilla, while Godzilla Lori and Mothra Leni teamed up against Chandler Ghidorah, Mothra Leni was grabbed by his two heads, and his middle head zaps her, knocking her to the ground, this angers Godzilla Lori as she uses her atomic breath to knock him off the air, he fell and was stomped on, Bolhofner MechaGodzilla shoots the laser eyes and gets her attention, she charges at it as she tries to topple it down, the robot was about to zap her with the chest beam, it succeeds, knocking her down, Bolhofner MechaGodzilla aims it's finger missiles at her, Lincoln was witnessing it in shock, as he dives onto the robot, the robot notices him). Since I just did my 40th review on FC, it's time for the new ranking: "The Life and Times of Juniper Lee" - 8/10 "The Secret Saturdays" - 8/10 "Motorcity" - 8/10 "Fillmore!" Lana didn't compare herself to any character of the anime but she felt pity for Zuko. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. +. (Lincoln gulps as if he was in trouble, it then cuts to the Principal's office with all of Lincoln's classmates at the office). Lincoln: She's not coming back home until Thanksgiving. Stop blubbering, boys don't cry!". Luan: I tried to do a game about Mr. Coconuts, but it wasn't too fun to do, so I also got an F on it after doing six levels and beating six bosses. Lincoln: and now ladies and gentlemen, the moment we all have been waiting forI would like to thank the people who supported me on this project, Clyde, Stella, Liam, Zach, Rusty, Mr. Grouse and Lori even if she's not here to withness it, all of you want what's best for me, and I myself can clearly see myself as a future game designer where I can help make videogames for future generations, and now ladies and genntlemen, I'm going to show you, the game that I've been constructing since I got a substitute, it was originally going to be an Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< No grumbling young man, think about what you've done! Narrators would travel to street corners in Japan and use sets of illustrated boards that they placed in a miniature stage-like device. Lincoln: >annoyed< Great, now it's a Bolhofner MechaGodzilla. Lynn Sr.: Wow son, I can't believe it, I think you should take up a career in making videogames. how much donated blood is wasted; managing diversity in the workplace ppt; metaphors in five feet apart; bethel high school graduation; morrisons salad bar bacon bits vegan (The bell rang, and class was dismissed, at the hallway, all of Lincoln's friends Stella, Clyde, Liam, Rusty and Zach all came up to him). - Not bad but this is just the beginning. Lori: Excuse me miss, do you have a scanner available? Lynn Sr: Hey, there's my biggest pumpkin! Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? Abraham Lincoln's assassination was actually at. (Lincoln felt disappointed, with his project done, he went back upstairs in boredom, he then decided to play a Godzilla game on his phone, it wasn't the same as the games he played on a standard console or handheld console, after playing a few rounds on that game, he eventually quit the game, he then reads one of his Godzilla comics, after finishing up the comics, he then went downstairs to joins his family for dinner, everyone else went back upstairs to their rooms for the night, this time, Lincoln decides to watch a Godzilla movie this time "The return of Godzilla" on his laptop, not soon after inserting the disc, although he still remembers that it's a school night, he had to watch most of it until he shut down his laptop, three days later, Lincoln's class presented their animated sprites for a class project, Riley was done with her presentation). Lori: Now then, let's get busy with the drawings, first you need body parts of the creatures you need to draw, be sure to add the head, jaw, neck, arm, hand, leg, feet, tail, torso, waist and sometimes the wings, so first, pick a picture that you like from your phone. Guest 1 - I can use bits of this. (Back at The Loud House during night time, Lincoln was ready for bed, he puts on his pajamas and starts reading the latest issue of his Ace Savvy comic, he couldn't stop thinking about making the game that he wanted to do, after all he is an Ace Savvy fan, but if someone already has a plan to do an Ace Savvy game, he could do either an A.R.G.G.H! Bolhofner Virus: Congratulations Loud, you are now one of us! Ms. Merdich: Let's multiply by nine and see if we can come up with an answer!